storefront-foundation / react-storefront

React Storefront - PWA for eCommerce. 100% offline, platform agnostic, headless, Magento 2 supported. Always Open Source, Apache-2.0 license. Join us as contributor (
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WooCommerce / Headless CMS implementation plans #163

Open phtmgt opened 3 years ago

phtmgt commented 3 years ago

Any future plans to add WooCommerce as headless eCommerce? Also, a headless CMS maybe? I am trying to decide what technology to invest in and currently VUE Storefront offers these, but I’d much rather work with React.

Thanks for the great project in any case!

dijs commented 3 years ago

We do not have a prebuilt connector for WooCommerce, but if you are interesting in building one here is the documentation around them

The benefit of using a connector is that once you fetch and transform the product and category data into the required schema, React Storefront handles the rest.

ianand commented 3 years ago

@plamenh FYI React Storefront is offering a US$2,000 bounty for open source contributions of connectors for certain ecommerce platforms (from image

WooCommerce is not actually on that list but if you're interested we can put you in touch with the right person to discuss if it can be added.

Building a connector is basically creating the methods for these 15 or so function calls:


P.S. We know the folks at the Vue Storefront (VSF) team and they are also great. I think it just comes down to what your language preference is. I believe their WooCommerce integration though is only on VSF 1, and not the new VSF Next.

phtmgt commented 3 years ago

@ianand , thanks for the heads up. I will think about building that. ATM we have decided on PWA Studio, as I could not scaffold react storefront successfully (