storesafe / cordova-sqlite-storage

A Cordova/PhoneGap plugin to open and use sqlite databases on Android, iOS and Windows with HTML5/Web SQL API
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In latest browser websql is deprecated, can't able to create a database #1017

Open DK-06 opened 6 months ago

DK-06 commented 6 months ago

In latest browser websql is deprecated and no longer available in all the browsers like chrome/edge/Firefox, I can't able to create a database. It's getting an error.

So, what's the alternative solution to use the sqlite db.

asa47 commented 6 months ago

Hello, open the following link in chrome chrome://flags/#web-sql-access and enable "Allows access to WebSQL APIs". In theory it should only affect the device running the websql in the browser.

DK-06 commented 5 months ago

Hello asa47, Thanks for your response.

The solution which you provided is worked. After enabling we can able to access websql.

Have one more question, How long this solution will work. In future release from chrome, we may not use this solution right. Any time period we have?

etiennenoel commented 1 month ago

WebSQL has been deprecated and this flag has been removed.