storesafe / cordova-sqlite-storage

A Cordova/PhoneGap plugin to open and use sqlite databases on Android, iOS and Windows with HTML5/Web SQL API
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Problem when build android on cordova 6.1 #487

Open iacobliviu opened 8 years ago

iacobliviu commented 8 years ago


I have the bellow problem when build android with cordova :compileDebugJavaWithJavacC:\wamp\www\test\platforms\android\src\io\liteglue\ error: SQLiteConnection is abstract; cannot be instantiated mydb = new SQLiteConnection(dbFile); ^ C:\wamp\www\test\platforms\android\src\io\liteglue\ error: cannot find symbol; /* create if db does not exist */ ^ symbol: method open(boolean) location: variable mydb of type SQLiteConnection C:\wamp\www\test\platforms\android\src\io\liteglue\ error: cannot find symbol long insertId = mydb.getLastInsertId(); ^ symbol: method getLastInsertId() location: variable mydb of type SQLiteConnection C:\wamp\www\test\platforms\android\src\io\liteglue\ error: cannot find symbol SQLiteStatement myStatement = mydb.prepare(query); ^ symbol: method prepare(String) location: variable mydb of type SQLiteConnection C:\wamp\www\test\platforms\android\src\io\liteglue\ error: cannot find symbol myStatement.bind(i + 1, paramsAsJson.getDouble(i)); ^ symbol: method bind(int,double) location: variable myStatement of type SQLiteStatement C:\wamp\www\test\platforms\android\src\io\liteglue\ error: cannot find symbol myStatement.bind(i + 1, paramsAsJson.getLong(i)); ^ symbol: method bind(int,long) location: variable myStatement of type SQLiteStatement C:\wamp\www\test\platforms\android\src\io\liteglue\ error: cannot find symbol myStatement.bind(i + 1, paramsAsJson.getString(i)); ^ symbol: method bind(int,String) location: variable myStatement of type SQLiteStatement C:\wamp\www\test\platforms\android\src\io\liteglue\ error: cannot find symbol int colCount = myStatement.columnCount(); ^ symbol: method columnCount() location: variable myStatement of type SQLiteStatement C:\wamp\www\test\platforms\android\src\io\liteglue\ error: cannot find symbol switch (myStatement.columnType(i)) { ^ symbol: method columnType(int) location: variable myStatement of type SQLiteStatement C:\wamp\www\test\platforms\android\src\io\liteglue\ error: strings in switch are not supported in -source 1.6 switch (myStatement.columnType(i)) { ^ (use -source 7 or higher to enable strings in switch) C:\wamp\www\test\platforms\android\src\io\liteglue\ error: cannot find symbol row.put(key, myStatement.columnDouble(i)); ^ symbol: method columnDouble(int) location: variable myStatement of type SQLiteStatement C:\wamp\www\test\platforms\android\src\io\liteglue\ error: cannot find symbol row.put(key, myStatement.columnLong(i)); ^ symbol: method columnLong(int) location: variable myStatement of type SQLiteStatement C:\wamp\www\test\platforms\android\src\io\liteglue\ error: cannot find symbol row.put(key, myStatement.columnString(i)); ^ symbol: method columnString(int) location: variable myStatement of type SQLiteStatement FAILED


brodycj commented 8 years ago

They issued a Cordova 6.2.0 pretty recently. I recommend that you consider upgrading. Please create a fresh, new project with this plugin and try again.

I have tested this plugin on Cordova 6.1.1 with no problems on Android/iOS/Windows for quite a while. I just tested this plugin with Cordova 6.2.0 on Android with no problems.

davidborgeson commented 8 years ago

I've also got this exact error message with Cordova 6.2.0 on iOS (fresh install). My Windows version at 6.1.0 builds ok.

Will let you know what I find.

davidborgeson commented 8 years ago

Got my build working, haven't tested the full effect of this yet.

I had both of these installed, but I guess cordova-plugin-sqlite isn't maintained:

cordova-plugin-sqlite cordova-sqlite-storage

It appears as though cordova-plugin-sqlite implements the SQLiteConnection class as abstract, which conflicts with trying to instantiate it elsewhere.

$ cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-sqlite

brodycj commented 8 years ago

Thanks for reporting. I will document this pitfall when I get a chance.

aorfevre commented 8 years ago

For unknow reason; on a running build; this issue appears today. I'm not anymore able to build my project. I try to install different version of cordova and retry my build without success

pepetox commented 8 years ago

I had the same problem after build an old version of the code and later go back to the last one. I removed the platform android and add again, this solved my problem and now works again.