storesafe / cordova-sqlite-storage

A Cordova/PhoneGap plugin to open and use sqlite databases on Android, iOS and Windows with HTML5/Web SQL API
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Webstorm - Manual Entries to add?? #516

Open SandboxSoft opened 7 years ago

SandboxSoft commented 7 years ago

I am failing use the plugin in webstorm (new user).

  1. I create a cordova project in webstorm or use: cordova create MyProjectFolder MyProject && cd MyProjectFolder.
  2. I add android platform using: cordova platform add android - and I see it is added ok.
  3. I add plugin using: cordova plugin add

What entries do I need to manually add following this stage?

my android/.../res/config.xml has the following already:

 <feature name="SQLitePlugin">
        <param name="android-package" value="io.sqlc.SQLitePlugin" />

my project config.xml is not in the www folder and has a line containing only:

<plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" spec="1" />

What should I include here to make the plugin work?


brodybits commented 7 years ago

I have not specifically tested this plugin with Webstorm. I wonder if you are the JAR and native NDK libraries as well, as specified in plugin.xml.

Another tip: if you use the --save flag when adding a plugin it will automatically add it to config.xml. If you add all plugins using the --save flag there should be no need to keep the plugins in source control.