Closed CeKMTL closed 2 months ago
I'm replying to myself: I just put the path where my conda install is and the script worked and even asked for camera perms which I accepted. The UI launched and I can manage to make it work with camera but it is using only cpu and ultra slow... like 1 frame every 15 seconds. Script does this at least 3 times: Using cached onnxruntime_silicon-1.16.3-cp310-cp310-macosx_14_0_arm64.whl (7.0 MB) Installing collected packages: onnxruntime-silicon Attempting uninstall: onnxruntime-silicon Found existing installation: onnxruntime-silicon 1.13.1 Uninstalling onnxruntime-silicon-1.13.1: Successfully uninstalled onnxruntime-silicon-1.13.1 Successfully installed onnxruntime-silicon-1.16.3
Hi @CeKMTL - Can you test this again - hopefully it will now use an existing conda install if it already exists without trying to install the homebrew version
Assume fixed as no further reports of this issue.
Hi, thanks for your time and effort you put into creating and sharing this work! :)
I was just wondering, before looking into the script and hacking away, if there's a specific need for conda to be installed from brew...
(base) ➜ Deep-Live-Cam-Mac-Installer git:(main) ./
Apple Silicon (arm64) detected. Homebrew is already installed. Homebrew Conda not found at /opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniconda/base/bin. Please ensure Miniconda is installed via Homebrew. (base) ➜ Deep-Live-Cam-Mac-Installer git:(main) conda --version
conda 24.4.0
For M1 & M3
Thank you!