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Billed "storage used" vs. actual used space incorrect. #162

Open Th3Van opened 7 years ago

Th3Van commented 7 years ago

A few weeks ago, I did a +24h upload "stress-test", uploading ~170.000 x 384MB files, resulting in close to 70TB being uploaded to a single bucket. (I still have to crunch the numbers in the log files - but more on that later in #stress-testers)

Thing is, about a week after preforming the test, I deleted the bucket, re-created it again using the same name and it seems to be empty. But for unknown reason the daily $33 still seems to be added to my billing history and balance, even tho the bucket with all the test data has been deleted about two weeks ago...

Yesterday I re-created the bucket, throw a few files into it, and now I'm waiting for the the billing system to update. Hopefully updating my storage used to the correct amount of GB as shown below. I'll post the result tomorrow. (none of the buckets are holding more than 2000 files, btw)

Buckets :

root@server007:~# storj list-buckets
ID: e09d7ffc78da193eb45897b6    Decrypted: true         Created: 2017-06-13T22:54:56.911Z       Name: S_n_K
ID: 07b77c7417539c0b9002a5e9    Decrypted: true         Created: 2017-06-24T13:17:39.249Z       Name: S_n_K_Take-2_-_24-06-2017
ID: a01ac0afd9a6fd95ee243018    Decrypted: true         Created: 2017-07-14T23:37:44.439Z       Name: test2
ID: b126caea127b0c3278ada1a7    Decrypted: true         Created: 2017-07-23T23:42:06.429Z       Name: Test123  (Used for the 24h upload-test)
ID: f6eece9e9945a0ab5b018f97    Decrypted: true         Created: 2017-07-24T02:40:48.722Z       Name: test3

Bucket Sizes :

root@server007:~# storj list-files e09d7ffc78da193eb45897b6 | awk '{sum+=$4}END{printf "Total for this bucket: %.f Bytes\n",sum}'
Total for this bucket: 13.470.156.275 Bytes

root@server007:~# storj list-files 07b77c7417539c0b9002a5e9 | awk '{sum+=$4}END{printf "Total for this bucket: %.f Bytes\n",sum}'
Total for this bucket: 15.993.965.360 Bytes

root@server007:~# storj list-files a01ac0afd9a6fd95ee243018 | awk '{sum+=$4}END{printf "Total for this bucket: %.f Bytes\n",sum}'
Total for this bucket: 10.737.418.240 Bytes

root@server007:~# storj list-files b126caea127b0c3278ada1a7 | awk '{sum+=$4}END{printf "Total for this bucket: %.f Bytes\n",sum}'
Total for this bucket: 40.115.315.192 Bytes

root@server007:~# storj list-files f6eece9e9945a0ab5b018f97 | awk '{sum+=$4}END{printf "Total for this bucket: %.f Bytes\n",sum}'
Total for this bucket: 0 Bytes

Total sum of data in five buckets : 80.316.855.067 Bytes (2.6GB / day = $0.039 / day)

billing - storage- th3van


Th3Van commented 7 years ago

For the last couple of days I've been digging a bit more into this issue, and discovered this :

In short : If you delete a bucket with files in it and re-create it again, using the exact same name/ID, you could end up paying for files you are no longer in control of... like some sort of ghost files.. :)

I'll look more into this and report back..
