storj-archived / core

Deprecated. Implementation of the Storj v2 protocol for Node.js.
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ALLOC not storing audit_tree -> AUDIT not working, farmer crashing #760

Closed littleskunk closed 5 years ago

littleskunk commented 6 years ago

Package Versions

Replace the values below using the output from npm list storj. Use npm list -g storj if installed globally.

root@storj:~# npm list -g storj-lib
└─┬ storjshare-daemon@5.3.0
  └── storj-lib@8.5.0

Replace the values below using the output from node --version.


Expected Behavior

Please describe the program's expected behavior. Include an example of your usage code in the back ticks below if applicable.

I would expect an error message telling me that I am not authorized to call AUDIT.

Actual Behavior

Please describe the program's actual behavior. Please include any stack traces or log output in the back ticks below.

Farmer is crashing:

{"level":"info","message":"handling storage audit from 988394a21927418b8e8a1b7e906618ceb45c78dc","timestamp":"2018-02-12T22:14:41.988Z"}
  throw new errors.AssertionError({

AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Merkle leaves must be an array
    at new ProofStream (/root/git/core/lib/audit-tools/proof-stream.js:23:3)
    at /root/git/core/lib/network/protocol.js:208:17
    at /root/git/core/lib/storage/manager.js:64:5
    at /root/git/core/lib/storage/adapter.js:64:5
    at /root/git/core/lib/storage/adapters/embedded.js:90:11
    at _getSbucketForKey (/root/git/core/node_modules/kfs/lib/b-table.js:319:7)
    at Btable._getSbucketForKey (/root/git/core/node_modules/kfs/lib/b-table.js:162:5)
    at Btable.createReadStream (/root/git/core/node_modules/kfs/lib/b-table.js:314:10)
    at _getShardStreamPointer (/root/git/core/lib/storage/adapters/embedded.js:83:9)
    at /root/git/core/lib/storage/adapters/embedded.js:94:7
    at _db.get (/root/git/core/node_modules/kfs/lib/s-bucket.js:224:7)

Steps to Reproduce

Please include the steps the reproduce the issue, numbered below. Include as much detail as possible.

'use strict';

const request = require('request');
const storj = require('storj-lib');
const keypair = storj.KeyPair('54e8b615160e91c129b4a2054a8dda83257236ded266131adb50a378438662a0');

const nonce = '1511220328771';
const nodeID = keypair.getNodeID();

const id = nonce;
const data = {
        method: 'AUDIT',
        params: {
                audits: [{
                        data_hash: '<existing hash>',
                        challenge: '6290bb9e1766bf3fc00eea3bb14146925611026d453e1aa95c32973f8baa5c98'
                contact: {
                        address: 'litteskunk AUDIT test',
                        port: 1337,
                        nodeID: nodeID,
                        protocol: '1.2.0',
                        userAgent: 'littleskunk',
                        spaceAvailable: true,
                        lastSeen: nonce
                nonce: nonce,
                signature: keypair.sign(id + nonce),
        id: id,
        url: 'http://localhost:4000',
        json: data,
        timeout: 30000
}, (err, res, data) => {
        if (err) {
                console.log('Error request:', err);
        } else if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
                console.log('Status code %s message %s', res.statusCode, res.statusMessage);
        } else {
littleskunk commented 6 years ago

The old CONSIGN is storing the audit_tree

The new ALLOC is not storing it. That is the reason for this issue.

littleskunk commented 6 years ago

Oh it is even worse. The bridge itself is not sending audit_tree. CONSIGN includes it:

The new ALLOC doesn't has it:

braydonf commented 6 years ago

AUDIT isn't activated or used, and is something that needs to be revisited in upcoming architecture design.

RichardLitt commented 5 years ago

👋 Hey! Thanks for this contribution. Apologies for the delay in responding!

We've decided to rearchitect Storj, so that we can scale better. You can read more about this decision here. This means that we are entirely focused on v3 at the moment, in the storj/storj repository. Our white paper for v3 is coming very, very soon - follow along on the blog and in our Rocketchat.

As this repository is part of the v2 network, we're no longer maintaining this repository. I am going to close this for now. If you have any questions, I encourage you to jump on Rocketchat and ask them there. Thanks!