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Storj Public Roadmap
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All Projects Dashboard - improved UX for viewing and managing projects #55

Closed stoweandi closed 1 year ago

stoweandi commented 1 year ago

What is the problem/pain point?

There are a few pain points that we hope to address:

What is the impact?

Confusion around the project level passphrase. Inability to get to billing without being prompted for a passphrase.

Why now?

We switched the passphrase flow so it asks for a passphrase when opening a project.


Milestone: Figma:

stoweandi commented 1 year ago

NiaStorj commented 1 year ago

@littleskunk is the QA team able to write a test plan for this?

iglesiasbrandon commented 1 year ago

@ferristocrat @boshevski Please discuss this item and update the description.

NiaStorj commented 1 year ago

need to know when ix systems is ready to turn on their flag and then will have an idea of when this can be deployed. when ready we will need to turn on feature by default.

we need to change this default to true to enable all projects dashboard next release server.go AllProjectsDashboard bool help:"indicates if all projects dashboard should be used" default:"false"[storj/storj](|storj/storjstorj/storj | Added by GitHub 10:27 ticket AC: change default to true, and notify config-changes and #team-qa

iglesiasbrandon commented 1 year ago

QA has conducted their tests, and everything is looking good; this is on track to be deployed. @ferristocrat is going to speak to the team about A/B testing this somehow.

NiaStorj commented 1 year ago

pushed to sprint 16 due to tome wanting to see a table view and a couple bugs before deployment.

iglesiasbrandon commented 1 year ago

This item is completed and just waiting for QA/deployment on the 26th

iglesiasbrandon commented 1 year ago

The all project's dashboard has been completed and deployed to production.
