storm-tracking /

A webpage providing an overview of different tracking tools and existing datasets for convective storm systems
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Atmospheric river tracking model intercomparison project (ARTMIP) #1

Open w-k-jones opened 1 year ago

w-k-jones commented 1 year ago

Learnt about this project last week, and thought it may be informative for comparing convective tracking algorithms:

They have a useful page detailing all the included algorithms, including the criteria for detection/tracking. This sort of framework might be useful for e.g. coming to a agreement of what defines an MCS!

JuliaKukulies commented 1 year ago

Thank you, @w-k-jones, for these links! I heard about this initiative and I agree, a similar framework could be very useful for comparing MCS databases and algorithms as well.

Btw, this organization and repository were suggested by @feng045, @knubez, and @zmoon as an action item after our workshop discussions. The idea was to collect information on different tracking algorithms, links to existing storm track databases as well as an visualization of how different trackers perform on idealized cases (perhaps making these available to invite people to run their trackers and contribute). Feel free to invite any other relevant people to this repo! When we have something that looks a bit closer to a webpage, we will definitely share with more people.