storming0x / ystarter-foundry-kit

Starter Kit for integrating V2 yearn vaults and ERC4626 vaults
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
49 stars 15 forks source link

The path "artifacts/Vault.json" is not allowed to be accessed for read operations #9

Open mattbrc opened 2 years ago

mattbrc commented 2 years ago

Unable to test SugarVaultTest and SugarYVaultTest. The issue seems to be with reading the yearn Vault.vy ABI in /artifacts.


-> git clone --recursive

-> cd ystarter-foundry-kit

-> Foundryup

-> Make build

-> CP .env.example -> .env


-> make test-contract contract=SugarVaultTest


No files changed, compilation skipped 2022-09-02T17:44:14.548170Z ERROR forge::runner: setUp failed reason="The path \"artifacts/Vault.json\" is not allowed to be accessed for read operations." contract=0xb4c79dab8f259c7aee6e5b2aa729821864227e84

Running 1 test for src/test/SugarVaultTest.t.sol:SugarVaultTest [FAIL. Reason: Setup failed: The path "artifacts/Vault.json" is not allowed to be accessed for read operations.] setUp() (gas: 0) Test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; finished in 1.19s

Failing tests: Encountered 1 failing test in src/test/SugarVaultTest.t.sol:SugarVaultTest [FAIL. Reason: Setup failed: The path "artifacts/Vault.json" is not allowed to be accessed for read operations.] setUp() (gas: 0)

storming0x commented 2 years ago

No files changed, compilation skipped 2022-09-02T17:44:14.548170Z ERROR forge:🏃 setUp failed reason="The path "artifacts/Vault.json" is not allowed to be accessed for read operations." contract=0xb4c79dab8f259c7aee6e5b2aa729821864227e84

This error seems to be related to file access permissions, forge cant access the artifacts file, either the file is not present or file doesn't have read access.

You can ask in the foundry support channel in telegram about the issue and how to fix given your setup