Open ederjbezerra opened 4 years ago
having same issue
@krunal66nizama fixed only by installing ImageCropper.Forms.Fix on nuget
@ederjbezerra thanks
I also have the same issue, have tried ImageCropper.Forms.Fix nuget but it didn't help. any ideas on how to fix this?
Having the same issue. Installing ImageCropper.Forms.Fix on nuget doesnt fix. Any idea?
try this nuget ImageCropper.Forms.Fix.v3 link :
try this nuget ImageCropper.Forms.Fix.v3 link :
This package even get the "Permission" package typo:
All Frameworks Plugin.Persmissions (>= 6.0.1) Xam.Plugin.Media (>= 5.0.1) Xamarin.Forms (>= 4.6.0)
try this nuget ImageCropper.Forms.Fix.v3 link :
This package even get the "Permission" package typo:
All Frameworks Plugin.Persmissions (>= 6.0.1) Xam.Plugin.Media (>= 5.0.1) Xamarin.Forms (>= 4.6.0)
download project from that git , and run that code , it will work in android , but still circular crop will not work
try this nuget ImageCropper.Forms.Fix.v3 link :
This package even get the "Permission" package typo: All Frameworks Plugin.Persmissions (>= 6.0.1) Xam.Plugin.Media (>= 5.0.1) Xamarin.Forms (>= 4.6.0)
download project from that git , and run that code , it will work in android , but still circular crop will not work
Unable to find package Plugin.Persmissions. No packages exist with this id in source(s):
I think the problem is Permissions was wrote wrong. I have Plugin.Permissions installed but can't install ImageCropper because it expects Plugin.Persmissions. How can I solve that?
When calling
new ImageCropper() { PageTitle = "Cut an image", AspectRatioX = 1, AspectRatioY = 1, CropShape = ImageCropper.CropShapeType.Rectangle, SelectSourceTitle = "Select a file", TakePhotoTitle = "Take a picture", PhotoLibraryTitle = "Pic gallery", Success = (imageFile) => { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { imageView.Source = ImageSource.FromFile(imageFile); }); } }.Show(this);
This exception is threw:
Method not found: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 Plugin.Media.Abstractions.IMedia.TakePhotoAsync(Plugin.Media.Abstractions.StoreCameraMediaOptions)
ImageCropper 1.0.6 Xam.Plugin.Media 5.0.1 Xamarin.Android.Support.* Xamarin.Essentials Xamarin.Forms