stormshift / support

This repo should serve as a central source for reporting issues with stormshift
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Added Cisco N5K-C5672UP to network #108

Closed rbo closed 1 year ago

rbo commented 1 year ago
rbo commented 1 year ago

N5K-C5672UP in the middle rack have no software on bootflash Startup the other one mounted in left rack boots. Tried to reset the admin password, failed. I'm to dump...

rbo commented 1 year ago

Password reset & Downloaded all Firmware & Licences to USB stick from switch in left rack

rbo commented 1 year ago

Boot middle switch

loader> set ip 
loader> set gw
loader> boot  tftp://
rbo commented 1 year ago

copy firmware:

switch(boot)# copy tftp:// bootflash:n6000-uk9.7.0.7.N1.1.bin
Trying to connect to tftp server......
Connection to server Established. Copying Started.....

TFTP get operation failed:Network is unreachable 
switch(boot)# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
switch(boot)(config)# interface mgmt0
switch(boot)(config-if)# ip address
switch(boot)(config-if)# no shut

switch(boot)(config-if)# exit
switch(boot)(config)# exit
switch(boot)# copy tftp:// bootflash:n6000-uk9.7.0.7.N1.1.bin
Trying to connect to tftp server......
Connection to server Established. Copying Started.....

Useful resource:

rbo commented 1 year ago
switch(boot)# copy tftp:// bootflash:n6000-uk9.7.0.7.N1.1.bin
Trying to connect to tftp server......
Connection to server Established. Copying Started.....
TFTP get operation was successful
Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...
switch(boot)# copy tftp:// bootflash:n6000-uk9-kickstart.7.0.7.N1.1.bin
Trying to connect to tftp server......
Connection to server Established. Copying Started.....
TFTP get operation was successful
Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...
switch(boot)# copy tftp:// bootflash:license_FOC1928R0L6_9_1.lic
Trying to connect to tftp server......
Connection to server Established. Copying Started.....
TFTP get operation was successful
Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...                                                             ^C
switch(boot)# copy tftp:// bootflash:license_FOC1928R0L6_9_2.lic
switch(boot)# copy  tftp:// bootflash:license_FOC1928R0L6_9_2.lic
Trying to connect to tftp server......
Connection to server Established. Copying Started.....
TFTP get operation was successful
Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...
switch(boot)# dir bootflash:
        965  Aug 19 2001 02:25:53  license_FOC1928R0L6_9_1.lic
        726  Aug 19 2001 02:26:12  license_FOC1928R0L6_9_2.lic
      16384  Mar 25 2022 11:56:22  lost+found/
   37326336  Aug 19 2001 02:25:36  n6000-uk9-kickstart.7.0.7.N1.1.bin
  272260922  Aug 19 2001 02:25:02  n6000-uk9.7.0.7.N1.1.bin

Usage for bootflash: filesystem 
  717254656 bytes used
 6639894528 bytes free
 7357149184 bytes total

switch(boot)# load bootflash:n6000-uk9.7.0.7.N1.1.bin
rbo commented 1 year ago
switch# install all                                                                          

Verifying image bootflash:n6000-uk9-kickstart.7.0.7.N1.1.bin for boot variable "kickstart".  
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS                                                       

Verifying image bootflash:/n6000-uk9.7.0.7.N1.1.bin for boot variable "system".              
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS                                                       

Verifying image type.                                                                        
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS                                                       

Extracting "system" version from image bootflash:/n6000-uk9.7.0.7.N1.1.bin.                  
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS                                                       

Extracting "kickstart" version from image bootflash:n6000-uk9-kickstart.7.0.7.N1.1.bin.      
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS                                                       

Extracting "bios" version from image bootflash:/n6000-uk9.7.0.7.N1.1.bin.                    
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS                                                       

Performing module support checks.                                                            
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS                                                       

Notifying services about system upgrade.                                                     
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS                                                       

Compatibility check is done:                                                                 
Module  bootable          Impact  Install-type  Reason                                       
------  --------  --------------  ------------  ------                                       
     1       yes  non-disruptive          none                                               
     2       yes  non-disruptive       rolling                                               

Images will be upgraded according to following table:                                        
Module             Image         Running-Version             New-Version  Upg-Required       
------  ----------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------       
     1            system             7.0(7)N1(1)             7.0(7)N1(1)            no       
     1         kickstart             7.0(7)N1(1)             7.0(7)N1(1)            no       
     1              bios      v2.1.2(07/16/2014)      v2.1.2(07/16/2014)            no       
     1         power-seq                    v4.0                    v4.0            no       
     1  fabric-power-seq                    v4.0                    v3.0            no       
     2         power-seq                    v4.0                    v4.0            no       
     1   microcontroller               v0.0.0.15               v0.0.0.15            no       

Do you want to continue with the installation (y/n)?  [n] y                                  

Install is in progress, please wait.                                                         

Performing runtime checks.                                                                   
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS                                                       

Setting boot variables.                                                                      
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS                                                       

Performing configuration copy.                                                               
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS                                                       

Install has been successful.                                                                 
rbo commented 1 year ago
switch# show version                                                                         
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software                                                
TAC support:                                                        
Copyright (c) 2002-2015, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.                            
The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by                                
other third parties and are used and distributed under license.                              
Some parts of this software are covered under the GNU Public                                 
License. A copy of the license is available at                                                                                              

  BIOS:      version 2.1.2                                                                   
  loader:    version N/A                                                                     
  kickstart: version 7.0(7)N1(1)                                                             
  system:    version 7.0(7)N1(1)                                                             
  Power Sequencer Firmware:                                                                  
             Module 1: version v4.0                                                          
  Fabric Power Sequencer Firmware: Module 1: version v4.0                                    
  Microcontroller Firmware:        version v0.0.0.15                                         
  QSFP Microcontroller Firmware:                                                             
             Module not detected                                                             
  SFP Microcontroller Firmware:                                                              
             Module 1: v1.3.0.0                                                              
  BIOS compile time:       07/16/2014                                                        
  kickstart image file is: bootflash:///n6000-uk9-kickstart.7.0.7.N1.1.bin                   
  kickstart compile time:  8/24/2015 22:00:00 [08/25/2015 12:47:41]                          
  system image file is:    bootflash:///n6000-uk9.7.0.7.N1.1.bin                             
  system compile time:     8/24/2015 22:00:00 [08/25/2015 12:49:21]                          

  cisco Nexus 5672UP Chassis ("Nexus 5672UP Supervisor")                                     
  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU  @ 1.80 with 8243352 kB of memory.                                    
  Processor Board ID FOC19265V08                                                             

  Device name: switch                                                                        
  bootflash:    7692288 kB                                                                   

Kernel uptime is 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 6 minute(s), 39 second(s)                              

Last reset at 206464 usecs after  Sun Aug 19 02:59:28 2001                                   

  Reason: Reset Requested by CLI command reload                                              
  System version: 7.0(7)N1(1)                                                                

  Core Plugin, Ethernet Plugin                                                               
rbo commented 1 year ago
switch# setup                                                                                

         ---- Basic System Configuration Dialog VDC: 1 ----                                  

This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration of                         
the system. Setup configures only enough connectivity for management                         
of the system.                                                                               

*Note: setup is mainly used for configuring the system initially,                            
when no configuration is present. So setup always assumes system                             
defaults and not the current system configuration values.                                    

Press Enter at anytime to skip a dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytime                               
to skip the remaining dialogs.                                                               

Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yes                         

Do you want to enforce secure password standard (yes/no) [y]:                                

  Create another login account (yes/no) [n]:                                                 

  Configure read-only SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: y                                  

    SNMP community string :                                                                  

  Configure read-write SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]:                                   

  Enter the switch name : cisco-n5k-middle-rack                                              

  Enable license grace period? (yes/no) [n]:                                                 

  Continue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration? (yes/no) [y]:                  

    Mgmt0 IPv4 address :                                                         

    Mgmt0 IPv4 netmask :                                                       

  Configure the default gateway? (yes/no) [y]:                                               

    IPv4 address of the default gateway :                                      

  Configure advanced IP options? (yes/no) [n]:                                               

  Enable the ssh service? (yes/no) [y]:                                                      

    Type of ssh key you would like to generate (dsa/rsa) [rsa]:                              

    Number of rsa key bits <1024-2048> [1024]:                                               

  Enable the telnet service? (yes/no) [n]:                                                   

  Enable the http-server? (yes/no) [y]:                                                      

 Configure clock? (yes/no) [n]:                                                              

 Configure timezone? (yes/no) [n]:                                                           

 Configure summertime? (yes/no) [n]:                                                         

  Configure the ntp server? (yes/no) [n]: yes                                                

    NTP server IPv4 address :                                                     

  Configure default switchport interface state (shut/noshut) [noshut]:                       

  Configure CoPP system profile (strict/moderate/lenient/dense/skip) [strict]:               

The following configuration will be applied:                                                 
  password strength-check                                                                    
  switchname cisco-n5k-middle-rack                                                           
  no license grace-period                                                                    
interface mgmt0                                                                              
ip address                                                         
no shutdown                                                                                  
vrf context management                                                                       
ip route                                                             
  ssh key rsa 1024 force                                                                     
  feature ssh                                                                                
  no feature telnet                                                                          
  feature http-server                                                                        
  ntp server                                                                      
  no system default switchport shutdown                                                      
  copp profile strict                                                                        

Would you like to edit the configuration? (yes/no) [n]:   
rbo commented 1 year ago
cisco-n5k-middle-rack(config)# banner motd #
Enter TEXT message. End with the character '#'.
> COE Lab switch (cisco-n5k-middle-rack)
> #
cisco-n5k-middle-rack(config)# copy running-config startup-config 
[########################################] 100%
Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...
rbo commented 1 year ago
cisco-n5k-middle-rack# show interface status

Port          Name               Status    Vlan      Duplex  Speed   Type
Eth1/1        --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/2        --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/3        --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/4        --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/5        --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/6        --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/7        --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/8        --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/9        --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/10       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/11       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/12       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/13       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/14       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/15       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/16       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/17       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/18       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/19       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/20       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/21       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/22       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/23       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/24       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/25       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/26       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/27       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/28       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/29       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/30       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/31       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/32       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/33       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/34       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/35       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/36       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/37       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/38       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/39       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/40       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/41       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/42       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/43       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/44       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/45       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/46       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/47       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth1/48       --                 sfpAbsent 1         full    10G     --         
Eth2/1        --                 sfpAbsent 1         half    40G     --         
Eth2/2        --                 sfpAbsent 1         half    40G     --         
Eth2/3        --                 sfpAbsent 1         half    40G     --         
Eth2/4        --                 sfpAbsent 1         half    40G     --         
Eth2/5        --                 sfpAbsent 1         half    40G     --         
Eth2/6        --                 sfpAbsent 1         half    40G     --         
mgmt0         --                 connected routed    full    a-1000  --    
rbo commented 1 year ago
cisco-n5k-middle-rack# show environment power 

Power Supply:
Voltage: 12 Volts
PS  Model                Input Power       Current   Status
                         Type  (Watts)     (Amps)          
1   NXA-PAC-1100W        AC    1080.00     90.00     ok                  
2   NXA-PAC-1100W        AC    1080.00     90.00     ok                  

Mod Model                   Power     Current     Power     Current     Status
                            Requested Requested   Allocated Allocated         
                            (Watts)   (Amps)      (Watts)   (Amps)              
--- ----------------------  -------   ----------  --------- ----------  ----------
1    N5K-C5672UP-SUP        450.00    37.50       450.00    37.50       powered-up
2    N5K-C5672UP-M6Q        200.04    16.67       200.04    16.67       powered-up

Power Usage Summary:
Power Supply redundancy mode:                 Redundant
Power Supply redundancy operational mode:     Redundant

Total Power Capacity                             2160.00 W

Power reserved for Supervisor(s)                  450.00 W
Power currently used by Modules                   200.04 W

Total Power Available                            1509.96 W

2x NXA-PAC-1100W => 2x45BTU/hr

rbo commented 1 year ago

the two switches need a lot of power, switched on arout 11/10 and switched off today image

rbo commented 1 year ago

Power consumption and head are to high for our lab.