storyblok / storyblok-nuxt-2

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Cant use useRoute and useStoryBlok in the same <script setup> #83

Open fyoudine opened 1 year ago

fyoudine commented 1 year ago

Expected Behavior

I'd like to retrieve data from storyblok using a dynamic slug

Current Behavior

When I hit the server it crash an error with no explanation

this works :

<script setup>
import { useStoryblok } from '@storyblok/nuxt-2'

const { story } = useStoryblok('mentions-legales', {
  version: 'draft'

    <p>{{ slug }}</p>
    <StoryblokComponent v-if="story" :blok="story.content" />

this works too :

<script setup>
import { computed, useRoute } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'

const route = useRoute()
const slug = computed(() => route.value.params.slug)

    <p>{{ slug }}</p>
    <StoryblokComponent v-if="story" :blok="story.content" />

but this does not work

<script setup>
import { computed, useRoute } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'
import { useStoryblok } from '@storyblok/nuxt-2'

const route = useRoute()
const slug = computed(() => route.value.params.slug)

const { story } = useStoryblok('mentions-legales', {
  version: 'draft'


    <p>{{ slug }}</p>
    <StoryblokComponent v-if="story" :blok="story.content" />

any hint to make it work is welcomed

alexjoverm commented 1 year ago

Hey @fyoudine! That's really weird, I'm actually able to reproduce it and tried different things in our module but always getting the same result. Seems like it's failing on @nuxtjs/composition-api

alexjoverm commented 1 year ago

I'd say the best workaround for now would be to use @storyblok/vue-2 directly.

alexjoverm commented 1 year ago

Btw, @fyoudine it would really help us if you also open an issue on the @nuxtjs/composition-api repo :)

simon-ccoms commented 1 year ago

I'm seeing this exact issue as well - I'm not sure how to get around it.