storybookjs / builder-vite

A builder plugin to run and build Storybooks with Vite
MIT License
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[Bug] The symbol "prevRefreshReg" has already been declared #519

Closed vertic4l closed 1 year ago

vertic4l commented 1 year ago

What version of vite are you using?


System info and storybook versions

Environment Info:

System: OS: macOS 12.6 CPU: (10) arm64 Apple M1 Max Binaries: Node: 18.11.0 - /opt/homebrew/bin/node npm: 8.19.2 - /opt/homebrew/bin/npm Browsers: Chrome: 107.0.5304.87 Safari: 16.0 npmPackages: @storybook/addon-actions: ^6.5.13 => 6.5.13 @storybook/addon-backgrounds: ^6.5.13 => 6.5.13 @storybook/addon-controls: ^6.5.13 => 6.5.13 @storybook/addon-links: ^6.5.13 => 6.5.13 @storybook/addon-toolbars: ^6.5.13 => 6.5.13 @storybook/addon-viewport: ^6.5.13 => 6.5.13 @storybook/addons: ^6.5.13 => 6.5.13 @storybook/builder-vite: ^0.2.5 => 0.2.5 @storybook/cli: ^6.5.13 => 6.5.13 @storybook/client-api: ^6.5.13 => 6.5.13 @storybook/preset-typescript: ^3.0.0 => 3.0.0 @storybook/react: ^6.5.13 => 6.5.13

Describe the Bug

We are trying to switch to storybook-builder-vite and encountered the following issue:

 The symbol "prevRefreshSig" has already been declared
  1  |  import RefreshRuntime from "/@react-refresh";let prevRefreshReg;let prevRefreshSig;if ( {  if (!window.__vite_plugin_react_preamble_installed__) {    throw new Error(      "@vitejs/plugin-react can't detect preamble. Something is wrong. " +      "See"    );  }  prevRefreshReg = window.$RefreshReg$;  prevRefreshSig = window.$RefreshSig$;  window.$RefreshReg$ = (type, id) => {    RefreshRuntime.register(type, "Sites/frontend-portal/src/src/organisms/RegistrationUserDataForm/RegistrationUserDataForm.story.tsx" + " " + id)  };  window.$RefreshSig$ = RefreshRuntime.createSignatureFunctionForTransform;}import RefreshRuntime from "/@react-refresh";
  2  |  let prevRefreshReg;
  3  |  let prevRefreshSig;

This error occurs multiple times for each file.


const path = require("path");
const { readdirSync } = require("fs");
const { mergeConfig } = require("vite");
const react = require("@vitejs/plugin-react");

const absolutePathAliases = {};
const srcPath = path.resolve("./../src/src/");
const srcRootContent = readdirSync(srcPath, { withFileTypes: true }).map(
    (directoy) =>\.ts){1}(x?)/, "")

srcRootContent.forEach((directory) => {
    absolutePathAliases[directory] = path.join(srcPath, directory);

module.exports = {
    core: {
        builder: "@storybook/builder-vite",
    stories: ["../src/**/*.story.tsx"],
    addons: [
    async viteFinal(config) {
        // Merge custom configuration into the default config
        return mergeConfig(config, {
            // Use the same "resolve" configuration as your app
            resolve: {
                alias: {
            plugins: [
                    babel: {
                        parserOpts: {
                            plugins: ["decorators-legacy", "classProperties"],

Got no idea, what is missing right now.

Link to Minimal Reproducible Example

No response


IanVS commented 1 year ago

You have multiple react plugins. You've got two options:

1) Try out the latest storybook 7.0 alpha version, which uses your config from vite.config.js so you don't have to define it twice. 2) Filter out the react plugin in your viteFinal before adding in your own. (see for an example).

If you want to try option 1 (I'd recommend at least giving it a shot, it's much faster than 6.5 as well), you can run npx sb@next upgrade --prerelease to upgrade packages and take care of a few migrations for you.

vertic4l commented 1 year ago

@IanVS Thanks, it's indeed all about that react plugin which produces that issue.

vertic4l commented 1 year ago

@IanVS Thanks for the tip, just tried out storybook 7.0 alpha version... Everything is fine now. And it's so fucking fast. Awesome!

vertic4l commented 1 year ago

Just one thing that now came up is our bitbucket pipeline: Reached heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory :(

IanVS commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately that's one of the top issues with vite right now. See for some tips and workarounds to deal with it.

samuelmburu commented 3 months ago

@IanVS Thanks for the tip, just tried out storybook 7.0 alpha version... Everything is fine now. And it's so fucking fast. Awesome!

Thanks @IanVS removing the react plugin from my vite config fixed the issue for me