storybookjs / builder-vite

A builder plugin to run and build Storybooks with Vite
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[Bug] Using JSX syntax in render template results in no output and emits an `invalid template option` warning #583

Closed kevinvalk closed 11 months ago

kevinvalk commented 1 year ago

What version of vite are you using?

vite/4.3.9 darwin-arm64 node-v18.16.1

System info and storybook versions

  OS: macOS 13.4.1
  CPU: (10) arm64 Apple M1 Max
  Node: 18.16.1 - /opt/homebrew/opt/node@18/bin/node
  Yarn: 1.22.19 - /opt/homebrew/bin/yarn
  npm: 9.5.1 - /opt/homebrew/opt/node@18/bin/npm
  Chrome: 114.0.5735.198
  Safari: 16.5.1
  @storybook/addon-essentials: ^7.0.25 => 7.0.25 
  @storybook/addon-interactions: ^7.0.25 => 7.0.25 
  @storybook/addon-links: ^7.0.25 => 7.0.25 
  @storybook/blocks: ^7.0.25 => 7.0.25 
  @storybook/testing-library: ^0.0.14-next.2 => 0.0.14-next.2 
  @storybook/vue3: ^7.0.25 => 7.0.25 
  @storybook/vue3-vite: ^7.0.25 => 7.0.25 

Describe the Bug

Using JSX syntax in stories causes Storybook to render no output and emit a console warning

import type { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/vue3";
import { App } from "./App";

const meta = {
  title: "App",
  render: () => ({
    components: { App },
    template: <div>overwriting with jsx</div>,
} satisfies Meta<typeof App>;

export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>;

export const Default: Story = {};


Link to Minimal Reproducible Example


IanVS commented 12 months ago

@chakAs3 do you know what might be happening here?

chakAs3 commented 12 months ago

Hi @kevinvalk, have ever used JSX in Vue?
if the case is the same in Storybook, the render function returns a Vue component, so if you use JSX or render functions, you can't use the template option you need to use the setup function and return your JSX expression

here is a repo that shows different render function

kevinvalk commented 11 months ago

O wow, I completely misunderstood the warning runtime.js:94 [Vue warn]: Component is missing template or render function.. Indeed this is a user error.

That said, I am confused about the type of template as (according vue internals) it is an template?: string | object field. Hence I do not get any "errors" that I am not using a string and it happily accepts JSX or h(). To protect against user errors, maybe it is something to be checked. But it is not the responsibility of storybook to do that....

Regardless, thanks for the help, closing!