storybookjs / mdx1-csf

MDX to CSF compiler using MDXv1
MIT License
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Missing CSS files in published package #7

Open THETCR opened 2 years ago

THETCR commented 2 years ago

/src/stories/Button.tsx, /src/stories/Header.tsx and /src/stories/Page.tsx contain import statements for CSS files.

Even though the files array of the package manifest states "dist/*/", the Babel build scripts specify "--extensions \".js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx\"". So that might be the reason that the CSS files are missing in the published package.

ebibura commented 1 year ago

/src/stories/Button.tsx, /src/stories/Header.tsx and /src/stories/Page.tsx contain import statements for CSS files.

Even though the files array of the package manifest states "dist/*/", the Babel build scripts specify "--extensions ".js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx"". So that might be the reason that the CSS files are missing in the published package.

did you resolve the problem ?

i got similar error when i convert webpack to vite

[vite] Internal server error: Failed to resolve import "./header.css" from "node_modules/@storybook/builder-vite/node_modules/@storybook/mdx1-csf/dist/esm/stories/Header.js?v=1be64857". Does the file exist?
  Plugin: vite:import-analysis
  File: /Users/username/Documents/work/project/node_modules/@storybook/builder-vite/node_modules/@storybook/mdx1-csf/dist/esm/stories/Header.js?v=1be64857
  2  |  import React from 'react';
  3  |  import { Button } from './Button';
  4  |  import './header.css';
     |          ^
  5  |  import { jsxDEV as _jsxDEV } from "react/jsx-dev-runtime";
  6  |  import { Fragment as _Fragment } from "react/jsx-dev-runtime";
      at formatError (file:///Users/username/Documents/work/project/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-6b3a5aff.js:40854:46)
      at TransformContext.error (file:///Users/username/Documents/work/project/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-6b3a5aff.js:40850:19)
      at normalizeUrl (file:///Users/username/Documents/work/project/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-6b3a5aff.js:37587:33)
      at async TransformContext.transform (file:///Users/username/Documents/work/project/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-6b3a5aff.js:37720:47)
      at async Object.transform (file:///Users/username/Documents/work/project/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-6b3a5aff.js:41103:30)
      at async loadAndTransform (file:///Users/username/Documents/work/project/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-6b3a5aff.js:37365:29)