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Custom font usage #522

Closed eaNewton closed 8 months ago

eaNewton commented 8 months ago

I am having a pretty hard time finding any documentation on including custom fonts in @storybook/react-native. There doesn't seem to be any recommended official documentation, and I haven't found a GitHub issue solution that has worked for me yet.

Is there a storybook-recommended way of importing fonts? The screenshots I've provided are using expo functions, but any way of accomplishing this would be of interest.

I am seeing an error explaining that my font has not been loaded through Font.loadAsync:

Screenshot 2023-10-23 at 2 27 57 PM

I have to be missing something incredibly obvious

dannyhw commented 8 months ago

@eaNewton adding fonts should work the same as it would in any react native app.

You'd probably be better off putting the font loading one layer up instead of in a decorator since it only needs to run once.


const Storybook = ()=> {
    const [fontsloaded] = useFonts(/* ... stuff here ... */);
    return   <StorybookUIRoot/>
eaNewton commented 8 months ago

@dannyhw sorry, could you clarify - that should go in /.storybook/index.js? right now that file looks like

import { getStorybookUI } from "@storybook/react-native"

import "./storybook.requires"

const StorybookUIRoot = getStorybookUI({})

export default StorybookUIRoot

StorybookUIRoot is defined here, as far as i can tell it isn't exported by the library itself, only the getStorybookUI function. the only other place would be in my main layout file potentially, though i'm not sure how that would work, since i'm doing the RN app/storybook switch at the bottom of the file like

let AppEntryPoint = AppLayout;

if (Constants?.expoConfig?.extra?.storybookEnabled === "true") {
  AppEntryPoint = require("../.storybook").default;

export default AppEntryPoint;

can you point me in the direction of any sort of documentation that might exist on this subject? thanks!

eaNewton commented 8 months ago

omg i got it, and now i feel stupid... for anyone else, my solution was changing /.storybook/index.js from

import { getStorybookUI } from "@storybook/react-native"

import "./storybook.requires"

const StorybookUIRoot = getStorybookUI({})

export default StorybookUIRoot


import { getStorybookUI } from "@storybook/react-native"
import { useFonts } from "expo-font"

import "./storybook.requires"

const StorybookUIRoot = getStorybookUI({})

const Storybook = () => {
  const [fontsLoaded] = useFonts({
    "Circular-Black": require("assets/fonts/lineto-circular-black.ttf"),
    "Circular-Black-Italic": require("assets/fonts/lineto-circular-blackItalic.ttf"),
    "Circular-Bold": require("assets/fonts/lineto-circular-bold.ttf"),
    "Circular-Bold-Italic": require("assets/fonts/lineto-circular-boldItalic.ttf"),
    "Circular-Book": require("assets/fonts/lineto-circular-book.ttf"),
    "Circular-Book-Italic": require("assets/fonts/lineto-circular-bookItalic.ttf"),
    "Circular-Medium": require("assets/fonts/lineto-circular-medium.ttf"),
    "Circular-Medium-Italic": require("assets/fonts/lineto-circular-mediumItalic.ttf"),

  if (!fontsLoaded) return null

  return <StorybookUIRoot />

export default Storybook

thanks for pointing me in the right direction @dannyhw!

dannyhw commented 8 months ago

@eaNewton nice, glad you got it sorted 🙏 .