I forked the Button story and customized the action..
so next I customize the Button to make a dice. I expected it to still show the same action as before.. but now it shows none. I was going to work on learning how to make the action panel to show it calling a random function or what it rolled.. but I'm more confused why it's showing nothing. Is there a way I should be importing the function into StoryBook.. or since they are both called on click they could be conflicting to show nothing?
import React from 'react';
import MyDice from '../MyDice/MyDice';
import imageUrl from '../../shared/images/logo.svg';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
export default {
title: 'MyDice',
component: MyDice,
parameters: {
assets: [
imageUrl, // link to a file imported
'https://via.placeholder.com/300/09f/fff.png', // link to an external image
'https://www.example.com', // link to a webpage
'https://www.example.com?id={id}', // link to a webpage with the current story's id in the url
export const Text = () => <MyDice onClick={action('dis clicked My Text Dice')}>Hello MyDice</MyDice>;
export const Emoji = () => (
<MyDice onClick={action('dis clicked.. but no emojis, so sad face')}>
<span role="img" aria-label="so cool">
😀 😎 👍 💯
You have to wire the onClick property you set on MyDice to the button click.
action would work the same way you would handle a click in a "real" application.
Nothing to do with Storybook's code here.
I forked the Button story and customized the action.. so next I customize the Button to make a dice. I expected it to still show the same action as before.. but now it shows none. I was going to work on learning how to make the action panel to show it calling a random function or what it rolled.. but I'm more confused why it's showing nothing. Is there a way I should be importing the function into StoryBook.. or since they are both called
on click
they could be conflicting to show nothing?MyDice.js