storybookjs / test-runner

🚕 Turn stories into executable tests
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[Bug]ReferenceError: __test is not defined #68

Open VictorGlindasPaf opened 2 years ago

VictorGlindasPaf commented 2 years ago

I seem to get this error seemingly at random when running the tests. Following the stack trace just takes me to the very bottom of my story file.

 FAIL   browser: chromium  src/Tag.stories.tsx (26.779 s)
  ● Base Components/Tag › Variants › smoke-test

    page.evaluate: ReferenceError: __test is not defined

      at eval (eval at evaluate (:3:2389), <anonymous>:4:17)
      at t.default.evaluate (<anonymous>:3:2412)
      at t.default.<anonymous> (<anonymous>:1:44)
      at testFn (src/Tag.stories.tsx:84:37)
      at Object.<anonymous> (src/Tag.stories.tsx:99:17)
yannbf commented 2 years ago

Hey @VictorGlindasPaf thanks for opening this issue! Is that the only failure in your tests, or do previous tests fail too? Is there more info you can give to help us reproduce the issue?

VictorGlindasPaf commented 2 years ago

These errors were definitely mixed with other ones, but I'm not sure in which order they came.

I'll see if I have time to get some more info about this when back at work on Monday.

valentinpalkovic commented 2 years ago

@yannbf The error is flaky and happens occasionally. Yesterday, even in this repository, it happened once when I was running the tests. Reexecuting the tests made the error disappear. It seems to be a kind of timing issue. This happens occasionally on my private Gitlab pipeline as well (flaky). Locally it just happens rarely.

yannbf commented 2 years ago

@yannbf The error is flaky and happens occasionally. Yesterday, even in this repository, it happened once when I was running the tests. Reexecuting the tests made the error disappear. It seems to be a kind of timing issue. This happens occasionally on my private Gitlab pipeline as well (flaky). Locally it just happens rarely.

Interesting! Can we chat more about it? Can you reach out on discord at Yann#9096 or twitter?

valentinpalkovic commented 2 years ago

@VictorGlindasPaf I had the same issue. In my case, the issue was a redirection happening in the components by using a decorator, redirecting to an SSO page when a Token was not available in the localstorage. Maybe you have a similar issue and a redirection happens in special cases or you are triggering a page reload. This would explain, why the initial script, which contains the __test function, is not available in the head section anymore.

janivo commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same problem. The error seems to occur at random. I'm using the test-runner to take snapshots of stories of web components. Because the web components are not hydrated at the time the postRender hook runs, I added a waitForFunction to wait for my components to have the .hydrated class.

This is my test-runner.js file:

module.exports = {
  async postRender(page, context) {

    await page.waitForFunction(
      () => {
        const inoElements = Array.from(
        ).filter((el) => el.tagName.startsWith('INO'));

        return inoElements.every((el) => el.classList.contains('hydrated'));
      { polling: 50 }

    await page.$('#root');

    const elementHandler = await page.$('#root');
    const innerHTML = await elementHandler.innerHTML();

The introduction of this snippet led to this error. Any ideas why this is happening?

ericclemmons commented 1 year ago

I can reproduce this by setting resetContextPerTest: true for

joriswitteman commented 1 year ago

For me, this is caused when I navigate to a different URL trying to capture snapshots during postRender(). Probably the test runner injects something into the page that is lost by navigating to another URL.

(The use case for navigating for me, is to put different arg values in the URL and as such capture different permutations of the Story).

gmwill934 commented 1 year ago

getting same error, following the docs, it says zero config, but do we need extra config?

AnnaHoege commented 1 year ago

I'm also getting this error while testing web components. It started after migrating to Storybook 7 and switching builders from webpack to vite.

Now tests will also fail at random, probably because vite takes too long for the test-runner to render components.

yannbf commented 11 months ago

Hey everyone! If you can share a minimal reproduction of this issue, I'd love to take a look at. I cannot get to reproduce this, I also tried setting resetContextPerTest: true as suggested by @ericclemmons.

@AnnaHoege given you have hit this issue recently, could you share a reproduction? Thank you!

kasper573 commented 10 months ago

I wish I had a repro to share, but unfortunately I don't. I can only add another anecdote that this happens randomly when using storybook 7 and vite. I get this error in the CI every now and then when making arbitrary changes, and every time it fails I can make the same build pass by simply retrying in the CI without making any code changes. Feels like something is flaky inside of the storybook + vite integration.

kasper573 commented 10 months ago

I have an optimistic update: I seem to have found a consistent (but unforunately not minimal) repro. I seem to get this error consistently for .stories files that are using the play function. In the code snippet below, if I keep the CanOnlySeeContentWhenOpen story, I get the error. If I remove it, I do not get the error.

This code snippet is from a large monorepo, so it could potentially be caused by something else too, but I figured I'd share what I have.

import { expect } from "@storybook/jest";
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react";
import { userEvent, within } from "@storybook/testing-library";
import { useState } from "react";
import { Modal } from "./Modal";

export default {
  title: "atoms/Modal",
  component: Modal,
  tags: ["autodocs"],
} satisfies Meta<typeof Modal>;

export const Default: StoryObj<Meta<typeof Modal>> = {
  args: { children: "Hello World!", open: true },

export const CanOnlySeeContentWhenOpen: StoryObj<Meta<typeof Modal>> = {
  args: { children: "Hello World!" },
  render() {
    const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
    return (
        <Modal open={open}>Hello World</Modal>
        <button onClick={() => setOpen(true)}>Show</button>
  async play({ canvasElement }) {
    const canvas = within(canvasElement);
    expect(canvas.getByText("Hello World")).not.toBeVisible();
    expect(canvas.getByText("Hello World")).toBeVisible();

Here's my stack trace in case it helps:

FAIL browser: chromium src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx (9.483 s)
    ● Console

        An error occurred in the following story, most likely because of a navigation: "atoms/Modal/Default". Retrying...

        at Object.<anonymous> (src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx)

    ● atoms/Modal › CanOnlySeeContentWhenOpen › smoke-test

      page.evaluate: ReferenceError: __test is not defined

        at eval (eval at evaluate (:202:30), <anonymous>:3:57)
        at UtilityScript.evaluate (<anonymous>:204:17)
        at UtilityScript.<anonymous> (<anonymous>:1:44)
        at src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:325:58
        at step (src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:109:23)
        at (src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:50:20)
        at asyncGeneratorStep (src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:4:28)
        at _next (src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:22:17)
        at src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:27:13
        at src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:19:16
        at testFn (src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:377:49)
        at Object.<anonymous> (src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:390:33)
        at step (src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:109:23)
        at (src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:50:20)
        at asyncGeneratorStep (src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:4:28)
        at _next (src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:22:17)
        at src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:27:13
        at Object.<anonymous> (src/atoms/Modal.stories.tsx:19:16)

My CI is github actions using ubuntu-latest

yannbf commented 10 months ago

Hey @ksandin!

Given the error message:

An error occurred in the following story, most likely because of a navigation: "atoms/Modal/Default". Retrying...

Are your stories doing any navigation on click? Navigations break the test-runner.

kasper573 commented 10 months ago

@yannbf I have no navigations in the code that is being tested. As to why that warning appears, My guess is that something under the hood in storybook is causing a navigation.

matttk commented 9 months ago

Any update on this issue? Unfortunately, we just added storybook testing to our pipeline and ran into this issue multiple times today. I can't say much about a repro, as the issue only started when to started running the tests automatically - and we haven't written many tests yet. We are using storybook version 7.5.3 and test-runner 0.14.

yannbf commented 9 months ago

Hey everyone, it's really difficult to fix an issue when there is no reproduction available. I have been trying to reproduce this but without any success of. We use the test-runner daily in about 40 different projects, and so far have not seen this error. I recall this happening in very early versions of the test-runner, but not anymore. Please do share a reproduction if you have one, I'd be incredibly thankful for that!

ttt43ttt commented 9 months ago

I can reproduce this when using the workaround in

// Yuck...
Loading.decorators = [
  (Story) => {
    useEffect(() => {
      return () => window.location.reload();
    }, []);

    return <Story />;
malixsys commented 9 months ago

FYI: this happened to me when storybook was running in another terminal...

kasper573 commented 9 months ago

Looking at the source code, this smells like a race condition to me.

The __test invocation is defined here:

And the __test definition is in setup-page-script.ts:

Which in turn is loaded in setupPage:

Could the explanation be that there is a race between the invocation and loading of the setup page?

abenhamdine commented 7 months ago

This issue appears randomly for us also. We have nothing "special" in our stories, except we do a snapshot in postRender We don't click url, redirect or whatever

throw5way commented 6 months ago

It seems the race condition is resolved by running that initialization script not with evaluate, but with addInitScript.

diff --git a/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/playwright/transformPlaywright.js b/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/playwright/transformPlaywright.js
index f6b3bdf..328350c 100644
--- a/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/playwright/transformPlaywright.js
+++ b/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/playwright/transformPlaywright.js
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ const testPrefixer = (0, import_template.default)(`
           await globalThis.__sbPreRender(page, context);

-        const result = await page.evaluate(({ id, hasPlayFn }) => __test(id, hasPlayFn), {
+        const result = await page.addInitScript(({ id, hasPlayFn }) => __test(id, hasPlayFn), {
           id: %%id%%,

diff --git a/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/playwright/transformPlaywright.mjs b/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/playwright/transformPlaywright.mjs
index 08d0006..dfaec94 100644
--- a/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/playwright/transformPlaywright.mjs
+++ b/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/playwright/transformPlaywright.mjs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ const testPrefixer = template(`
           await globalThis.__sbPreRender(page, context);

-        const result = await page.evaluate(({ id, hasPlayFn }) => __test(id, hasPlayFn), {
+        const result = await page.addInitScript(({ id, hasPlayFn }) => __test(id, hasPlayFn), {
           id: %%id%%,
yannbf commented 5 months ago

Hey there @throw5way thanks for the suggestion! I made a canary with the fix at #445, please try it out and give some feedback if you can. Thanks!

yarn add @storybook/test-runner@0.17.1--canary.445.f7d2785.0
benhili commented 4 months ago

@yannbf that fixes my issue! I have been scratching my head over this for a week.

hans-lizihan commented 4 months ago

for us, after upgrading the the canary version, all test pass even though they should be failing.

also we are trying todo some individual retries to deflake test runs.

We start to see this error after we add the setupFilesAfterEnv config in jest

// .storybook/test-runner-jest.config.js
import {getJestConfig} from '@storybook/test-runner';

// The default Jest configuration comes from @storybook/test-runner
const testRunnerConfig = getJestConfig();

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default {
  /** Add your own overrides below, and make sure
   *  to merge testRunnerConfig properties with your own
   * @see
  setupFilesAfterEnv: [`<rootDir>/.storybook/test-global-setup.ts`],

// global setup.ts
import {beforeEach, jest} from '@jest/globals';

beforeEach(() => {
  jest.retryTimes(3, {logErrorsBeforeRetry: true});
yannbf commented 4 months ago

Hey @hans-lizihan could you please share a reproduction? I'd like to take a deeper look if possible. For the others, could you please let me know if the canary solves your issues?

blcoyote commented 4 months ago

Hey @yannbf The canary build solves our issues as reproduced by all the tests succeed after upgrading from 0.17.0. I'm awaiting the final release before upgrading our pileline though.

yannbf commented 3 months ago

Glad to hear that @blcoyote! It seems that it causes issues when the test-runner is used for visual regression testing though. I will have to take a deeper look into that. In the meantime, everyone else, please give the canary a try and give me feedback if possible. Thanks!

unional commented 3 months ago

I notice this still occurs on 0.18.1. Is the canary change included in 0.18?

And I'm running visual snapshot testing.

yannbf commented 3 months ago

Hey @unional it is not, it's only in that canary version so far. I need more feedback whether it introduces any issues. Is the canary working without issues for you?

eifr commented 3 months ago

Hey @unional it is not, it's only in that canary version so far. I need more feedback whether it introduces any issues. Is the canary working without issues for you?

been using it for a couple of weeks and it is working with no issues for me

chmmpagne commented 3 months ago

@yannbf When we tried the canary version we found all of our tests passing even if they should be failing. Maybe the same as @hans-lizihan above.

We have a large private repo, but maybe I can come up with a minimal reproduction if I have some time.

eifr commented 3 months ago

@yannbf When we tried the canary version we found all of our tests passing even if they should be failing. Maybe the same as @hans-lizihan above.

We have a large private repo, but maybe I can come up with a minimal reproduction if I have some time.

just tested this I'm also getting false positives :worried: all tests are passing although there are failing when using the ui

Phoenixmatrix commented 3 months ago

FYI just hit this issue. Its been tricky to repro, because it only happens for us when using Vite and the dependency optimization step has not run. Only in Storybook 8 in our case (even though it looks like this issue predates it by a fair bit). Eg, setting the vite config to have:

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [react()],
    optimizeDeps: {
        force: true,

Otherwise, first run fails, second run pass. But using a production build of storybook to test against bypasses this optimize dep step, so the tests always work. Not a great solution when running locally, though.

I added code in a preVisit step to wait until the setup-page-script functions are available on the global object. In the event of dep optimization, they NEVER become available (but on second run they are). It's really strange.

ygkn commented 2 months ago

I encountered this issue at 0.18.2 and got a workaround with this patch-package file. This is same as #445.


diff --git a/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/index.js b/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/index.js
index e1bc5a2..1aba18e 100644
--- a/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/index.js
+++ b/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/index.js
@@ -13556,7 +13556,7 @@ var testPrefixer = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((context) => {
           await globalThis.__sbPreVisit(page, context);

-        const result = await page.evaluate(({ id, hasPlayFn }) => __test(id, hasPlayFn), {
+        const result = await page.addInitScript(({ id, hasPlayFn }) => __test(id, hasPlayFn), {
           id: %%id%%,

diff --git a/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/index.mjs b/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/index.mjs
index c32e886..b8ca561 100644
--- a/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/index.mjs
+++ b/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/index.mjs
@@ -13539,7 +13539,7 @@ var testPrefixer = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((context) => {
           await globalThis.__sbPreVisit(page, context);

-        const result = await page.evaluate(({ id, hasPlayFn }) => __test(id, hasPlayFn), {
+        const result = await page.addInitScript(({ id, hasPlayFn }) => __test(id, hasPlayFn), {
           id: %%id%%,

diff --git a/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/test-storybook.js b/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/test-storybook.js
index 32bbbd8..c59380a 100755
--- a/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/test-storybook.js
+++ b/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/test-storybook.js
@@ -17621,7 +17621,7 @@ var testPrefixer = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((context) => {
           await globalThis.__sbPreVisit(page, context);

-        const result = await page.evaluate(({ id, hasPlayFn }) => __test(id, hasPlayFn), {
+        const result = await page.addInitScript(({ id, hasPlayFn }) => __test(id, hasPlayFn), {
           id: %%id%%,

diff --git a/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/test-storybook.mjs b/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/test-storybook.mjs
index da7fd85..0ac585b 100755
--- a/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/test-storybook.mjs
+++ b/node_modules/@storybook/test-runner/dist/test-storybook.mjs
@@ -17627,7 +17627,7 @@ var testPrefixer = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((context) => {
           await globalThis.__sbPreVisit(page, context);

-        const result = await page.evaluate(({ id, hasPlayFn }) => __test(id, hasPlayFn), {
+        const result = await page.addInitScript(({ id, hasPlayFn }) => __test(id, hasPlayFn), {
           id: %%id%%,
javianpicardo commented 1 month ago
page.evaluate: ReferenceError: __test is not defined

[TEST] [TEST] at eval (eval at evaluate (:226:30)PXW.Application/, :3:57) [TEST] at UtilityScript.evaluate (PXW.Application/:228:17) [TEST] at UtilityScript. (PXW.Application/:1:44) at PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:307:58 [TEST] at step (PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:109:23) at (PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:50:20) [TEST] at asyncGeneratorStep (PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:4:28) [TEST] at _next (PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:22:17) at PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:27:13 [TEST] at PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:19:16 [TEST] at testFn (PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:359:49) at Object. (PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:372:33) [TEST] at step (PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:109:23) at (PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:50:20) [TEST] at asyncGeneratorStep (PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:4:28) [TEST] at _next (PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:22:17) at PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:27:13 [TEST] at Object. (PXW.Application/src/stories/molecules/UploadFilesModal/UploadFilesModal.stories.tsx:19:16)

In my msal.ts when I add the below code a group of test cases break with the above error // Handle redirect promise msalInstance .handleRedirectPromise() .then(tokenResponse => { if (!tokenResponse) { const accounts = msalInstance.getAllAccounts(); if (accounts.length === 0) { msalInstance.loginRedirect(); } } }) .catch(err => { console.error('Error handling redirect:', err); });

YourBassHertz commented 1 month ago

This solution works for me. However, not if I'm running --coverage. If I remove that flag, it works fine.

javianpicardo commented 1 month ago

I was able to solve my error. The error was in errorredirectpromise which was causing a redirect. I just had to call it before msalinstance was instance was initialized and check for any pending promises so it did not cause an redirect. Which fixed my issue.

dfbsx commented 1 month ago

@yannbf Hello there! The problem with __test is not defined still exist in 0.19.0 and 0.19.1 during Github Actions. I've tried to install your canary, but it provides me a lot of errors with coverage report. Files are tested correctly but for coverage report receives files like mocks or preview.js. There is a way to fix it? When I back to f.e. 0.19.0 with no canary, coverage files looks good, but I receive _test error again.

blcoyote commented 1 month ago

I solved the issue on my end. The reasons were bad decisions made by previous developers. They did reloads to get rid of cache. I made proper redux query invalidators in decorators i preview.tsx instead, so reloads werent neccessay. My take away is, if youre getting this issue, you're likely doing something in a way it shouldnt be done. :)

Reclocco commented 2 weeks ago

the release 0.17.1--canary.445.4041ab4.0 from this PR fixes this issue for me. It'd be nice to see this fix in main releases