stouset / twitter_bootstrap_form_for

A Rails FormBuilder DSL for generating Twitter Bootstrap forms
MIT License
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Rails 3.2.0 undefined method `field_error_proc=' for #<TwitterBootstrapFormFor::FormBuilder> errors #42

Closed housekeeper closed 12 years ago

housekeeper commented 12 years ago

Whilst updating to rails v3.2.0 I noticed that my nested TwitterBootstrapFormFor stopped working - upon some investigation I noticed the references to self which stopped working after the upgrade.

As you can see I added the static references to ActionView::Base and this now appears to work correctly. I have tested within my code and would appreciate you looking into it further and considering adding this revision.

I have a little helper that builds the nested form inserted below so you can see how I call and found the issue.

def new_child_fields_template(form_builder, association, options = {}) path = options[:path] || "" options[:object] ||= form_builder.object.class.reflect_on_association(association) options[:partial] ||= "shared/nested_model_form" options[:form_builder_local] ||= :f

content_tag(:div, :id => "#{association}_fields", :style => "display: none") do form_builder.twitter_bootstrap_fields_for(association, options[:object], :childindex => "new#{association}") do |f| render(:partial => options[:partial], :locals => {options[:form_builder_local] => f, :nested_object => path + association.to_s.singularize}) end end end

and I use it in the following manner:

= twitter_bootstrap_form_for @company do |f| = f.inputs '' do = f.text_field :name = new_child_fields_template(f, :branches, :path => 'common/')

The form allows you to enter a company name and the nested form part displays the branch form details. For example details about a new company and its multiple branches.

There are a little suite of helpers I can share with you if you want to incorporate for helpers but also understand how you want to keep this gem simple ;-)


stouset commented 12 years ago

I've committed the relevant parts of the change (s/self/ActionView::Base/g) but left out the other bits (method renaming, s/lambda/proc/, etc).
