stowball / jQuery-rwdImageMaps

Responsive Image Maps jQuery Plugin
MIT License
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Owl-Carousel with different image maps for each slide #109

Open hot5g opened 8 years ago

hot5g commented 8 years ago

I am trying to figure out how to get owl-carousel to work with image maps. Below is the code I currently have in place however for some reason passing the usemap="map1" argument in the img tag and having the <map name="map1" id="map1" in the map section still won't allow the image map to work correctly. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

I am trying to figure out how to get owl-carousel to work with image maps. Below is the code I currently have in place however for some reason passing the usemap="map1" argument in the img tag and having the <map name="map1" id="map1" in the map section still won't allow the image map to work correctly. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

<!-- CAROUSEL -->    
<div id="carousel">
<div id="owl-demo" class="owl-carousel owl-theme">
<div class="item">
<img src="" usemap="map1" width="2224" height="1213" border="0" />
<map name="map1" id="map1">
<!-- #$VERSION:2.3 -->
<!-- #$AUTHOR:brad -->
<area shape="rect" coords="679,907,878,969" alt="Google Play" href=";hl=en" />

<area shape="rect" coords="903,906,1102,970" alt="ITunes" href="" />