stpain / guildbook

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Lua error in ModBlizzUI.lua #104

Open b-morgan opened 2 years ago

b-morgan commented 2 years ago

Seems to happen when the guild frame is open and someone logs on or off.

31x Guildbook\ModBlizzUI.lua:265: attempt to index local 'button' (a nil value) [string "@Guildbook\ModBlizzUI.lua"]:265: in function <Guildbook\ModBlizzUI.lua:261> [string "=[C]"]: in function GuildStatus_Update' [string "@Interface_TBC\FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua"]:397: in functionFriendsFrame_Update' [string "@Interface_TBC\FrameXML\FriendsFrame.lua"]:348: in function `FriendsFrame_OnShow'

Locals: numTotal = 132 numOnline = 9 numOnlineAndMobile = 9 (for index) = 14 (for limit) = 132 (for step) = 1 i = 14 button = nil (temporary) = defined =[C]:-1 (temporary) = "14" (temporary) = "Lil Sparkies" (temporary) = 6 (temporary) = 8 (temporary) = "Mage" (temporary) = "Silvermoon City" (temporary) = "" (temporary) = "" (temporary) = false (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = "MAGE" (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = 1 (temporary) = false (temporary) = false (temporary) = 3 (temporary) = "Player-4384-03B79AE8" (temporary) = "6 hours" (temporary) =

{ Profession1Level = 0 Talents =
{ } CookingLevel = 0 Class = "MAGE" Race = "BloodElf" FirstAidLevel = 0 Inventory =
{ } Alts =
{ } Level = 8 PublicNote = "" OffSpecIsPvP = false MainSpecIsPvP = false OffSpec = "-" Profession1 = "-" RankName = "Lil Sparkies" Profession2Level = 0 Gender = "MALE" OfficerNote = "" Availability =
{ } profile =
{ } MainSpec = "-" Name = "Yuper" CalendarEvents =
{ } Profession2 = "-" MainCharacter = "-" FishingLevel = 0 PaperDollStats =
{ } } (temporary) = defined =[C]:-1 (temporary) = GuildFrameButton13 { 0 = GuildbookColumnProfession2 = GuildFrameButton13GuildbookProfession2 { } guildIndex = 13 GuildbookColumnNote = GuildFrameButton13GuildbookNote { } GuildbookColumnProfession1 = GuildFrameButton13GuildbookProfession1 { } GuildbookColumnOnline = GuildFrameButton13GuildbookOnline { } GuildbookColumnRank = GuildFrameButton13GuildbookRank { } GuildbookColumnMainSpec = GuildFrameButton13GuildbookMainSpec { } } (temporary) = (temporary) = (temporary) = "-" (temporary) = defined =[C]:-1 (temporary) =
{ 773 = "Inscription" 333 = "Enchanting" 185 = "Cooking" 755 = "Jewelcrafting" 171 = "Alchemy" 164 = "Blacksmithing" 202 = "Engineering" 165 = "Leatherworking" 393 = "Skinning" 356 = "Fishing" 129 = "First Aid" 182 = "Herbalism" 197 = "Tailoring" 186 = "Mining" } (temporary) = "attempt to index local 'button' (a nil value)" L =
{ OPT_COMBAT_COMMS_LOCK = "Block data comms during combat" CONSUMABLES = "consumables" MC = "Molten Core" GUILD_BANK = "Guild bank" OPT_TT_TRADESKILLS_SHOW = "Show tradeskills (professions)" FEET = "feet" Feral = "Feral" Karazhan = "Karazhan" Enhancement = "Enhancement" UPDATE_NEWS = "What's New? -More Bug Fixes -More Translation support -Fishing level in Profile now works properly -First Aid skill added in Profile " SPELL_CRIT = "Crit" IMPORT = "Import" Ranged = "Ranged" Note = "Note" ADDON_LOADED = "initialising Guildbook!" OPT_TT_DIALOG_DPL = "Display a list of tradeskills that use the current item. (Data is taken from Guildbook database)" GUILDBANK_HEADER_COUNT = "Count" SEPTEMBER = "September" OPT_SH_MINIMAP_BUTTON = "Show / Hide Minimap Button" Survival = "Survival" OPT_CHAT_SMCO = "Show the characters main character name (if an alt) in the guild chat messages. Can only show data where the player has set this value" Restoration = "Restoration" MY_SACKS = "My containers" RESET_AVATAR = "Reset avatar" TRADESKILL_GUILD_RECIPES = "Guild Recipes" OPT_RESET_GLOBAL_SETTINGS = "Reset global settings to default values?

This will delete all data about all guilds you are a member of." SEND_TRADE_ENQUIRY = "Send message about item" PRIVACY = "Privacy" OPT_DELETE_GUILD_DATA = "Delete all data for %s" Combat = "Combat" MAGE = "Mage" SPELL_DMG_HOLY = "Holy" RANGED_DMG = "Damage" GUILDBANKHELPTEXT = "Guild Bank

|cffffffffGuildbook provides an in-game guild bank for guild to share bank character's inventory. |r

|cff00BFF3To use the Guild Bank, add the word 'Guildbank' to the Public Note of the character being used as a bank (this will add them to the dropdown menu). Said character must then open his bank to sync his inventory with connected Guild Members.

The guild bank sends/receives data when a player logs in, only the most recent data is being used, thus bank characters should sync t

stpain commented 2 years ago

That's very odd, someone reported this bug and I added some defence code around the button variable.

Are you using the latest version?

b-morgan commented 2 years ago

Says 4.99212 at the bottom of the options frame. I believe that's the latest version. This just started happening in the last day or so. Something in the latest update?

Belrand commented 2 years ago

Seems I forgot to push 4.93 on curse yesterday, so the fix never made it there @stpain

If all is good I can push the current one

stpain commented 2 years ago

Well I didn't get any bugs show up but that's not always been a shining light of the add-on being ready!

But I think push it, and we can swiftly tackle anything that pops up, I'm a bit burned out from playing so maybe some Dev time will be good.