stpettersens / gulp-debian

:tropical_drink: Gulp plug-in to create a Debian package.
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Problem with keywords in options #20

Open McGiverGim opened 6 years ago

McGiverGim commented 6 years ago

If some of the options, contains some "keyword" the generation of the control file fails.

For example, this option:

maintainer: 'The Cleanflight Team',

Fails because the Clean word is inside the value. The same for any other option and value (I have tested with description and Copyright for example.

stpettersens commented 6 years ago

~Okay. I will fix tomorrow.~

Sorry for delay. This will be the next issue to patch.

On 19 Jan 2018 07:47, "Míguel Ángel Mulero Martínez" <> wrote:

If some of the options, contains some "keyword" the generation of the control file fails.

For example, this option:

maintainer: 'The Cleanflight Team',

Fails because the Clean word is inside the value. The same for any other option and value (I have tested with description and Copyright for example.

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