Open summer1216 opened 5 years ago
Please provide some output from your build process and also details of your OS, ROS version etc.
I reinstalled ROS and the problem was solved. Thank you anyway!
This issue can be closed.
i use git clone (install from the source) in my own catkin workspace . when i execute catkin_make (build) Switched to a new branch 'releases/legacy' Branch 'releases/legacy' set up to track remote branch 'releases/legacy' from 'origin'.
i want to use mongodb with rosplan and melodic and turtlebot3. any help please?
@bilal9876 can't you just use the released package ( for melodic?
Due to reasons I have to install mongodb_store from source.
I cloned it to my catkin_ws and built it by catkin_make.
Then I need to specify the path for this package, but I don't know where is the package installed. Any idears? thanks!