strands-project / scitos_robot

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Magnetic sensor too insensitive #69

Closed ToMadoRe closed 9 years ago

ToMadoRe commented 9 years ago

After trying to get the magnetic strip detector working on Werner/Henry today at AAF, @Jailander and I finally came to the conclusion that the sensor is setup a bit too far away or it is too insensitive to magnets.

I dismounted the lower cover from the robot and checked the LED of the sensor. There is no light when I stick the magnetic strip on the ground and put the sensor above, but if I lift the magnetic strip a little bit and bring it closer to the sensor, it goes on.

@chmartin21, @creuther: Is there a way to fix this?

Jailander commented 9 years ago

What @ToMadoRe said.

just pinging @marc-hanheide here ;)

marc-hanheide commented 9 years ago

@chmartin21 @creuther can we make this some priority? Have you had this problem before?

cdondrup commented 9 years ago

Can the sensor be lowered? Meaning manipulating the mounting to fix it closer to the ground? Would just be a work-around but might be worth trying if possible.

Can you measure the distance it has to the ground? Maybe we can compare if there are differences and if not its a problem of the sensor itself.

marc-hanheide commented 9 years ago

I'm going to Vienna on Tuesday and could take our sensor if needed? Not ideal, but it's more urgently needed at aaf.

ToMadoRe commented 9 years ago

From above, it didn't seem you could lower the sensor easily but I didn't turn the robot to check from the bottom. The robot is at AAF at the moment and it would take me almost 1.5h going there again - if it's just measuring the distance, I would like not to. But maybe @denisehe can measure it somehow.

Let's see what Metralabs tells us to do.

marc-hanheide commented 9 years ago

The sensor on Henry:


chmartin21 commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately, the detection quality of the sensors also depends on the environment (e.g. the construction of the floor). You can try to lower the sensor. For that, to the following step:

  1. first disconnect the sensor
  2. untighten the screw nut below the robot
  3. lower the sensor by rotating (but not more than the second screw thread!)
  4. fix the screw nut below the robot
  5. re-connect the sensor
ToMadoRe commented 9 years ago

Ok, thanks. It works now but I had to lower it quite a lot.