strands-project / strands_executive

Executive control code for STRANDS robots.
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Scheduler is working for the ROS Kinetic branch? #321

Closed EliosSs closed 2 years ago

EliosSs commented 2 years ago

Hey to all. I hope you are well.

I was looking at the strands executive project but I noticed that for kinetic branch the "scheduler" folder is missing. MILP scheduler is not implemented for kinetic? or maybe it was embedded in other node?

hawesie commented 2 years ago

We replaced the MILP scheduler with an MDP-based one in the second version of the system:

There are some tutorial examples for some of the planning parts of the system here:

EliosSs commented 2 years ago

ehhh ok k I will check that along with the tutorials, thanks! But I am seeing that in the kinetic branch is a call to the service "get_schedule" which is the one that performs the task scheduling. I see that this service is declared in the indigo-devel branch but I can't find this "get_schedule" service in any place at kinetic branch. Do you have maybe a clue or any tip on this?

hawesie commented 2 years ago

That call is in a node we stopped using a long time ago, sorry.

EliosSs commented 2 years ago

ok ok thanks very much Nick! I will check that information in order to know what is the call the scheduler now.

EliosSs commented 2 years ago

Hey again Nick. I was checking the code and the tutorial you just send me. Actually I have more doubts about it. Can I ask here just with the closed issue? or maybe I need to open a new one?

Best regards and thank you a lot for your help.

EliosSs commented 2 years ago

Well I think I can ask some of the doubts that I have over here. I can create another issue if those cannot be here.

  1. (maybe a noobie question) You send me the link of the "" file from task executor package. But checking the file and the whole package I just realized that there is not any node registered in the CMakeLists.txt file. it is any reason for this? Maybe this is noobie question but I am trying to understand why?

  2. Actually I am running ROS melodic, and when I was checking the planing_tutorial repository (indigo-devel branch) that you sent me I realized that you do have the same packages for ROS melodic, which made me think that it could run in ROS melodic but when I was checking the tutorial for the exercise 1a I saw this line: roslaunch mdp_plan_exec mdp_plan_exec_extended.launch

and checking in the strands executive repo I noticed that this file does not exist for some of the branches, not even the kinetic branch but for indigo-devel branch. So maybe I am missing something regarding the latest repo? or do you have an updated repo for newer ROS versions like melodic or noetic?

Another think was that I got an error of "task_executor" missing package when I was following the planing_tutorial package, which lead me to my 3rd doubt.

  1. In any of the examples I didn't see any command to run "task_executor" package. not even in the configuration part and it does not seem to be a dependency of any of the packages? does it have any reason?

Sorry if some of the doubts are stupid or too obvious. I really appreciate your help.

Thanks very much in advance.

hawesie commented 2 years ago
  1. CMakeLists.txt is used for building/installing things, and mostly on the C++ side. Since the node is Python it doesn't need to be built.
  2. I'd suggest following the tutorial from the other link I provided. I think we ran that in melodic.
  3. If you don't follow the tutorial, then you could try this: This mentions that package and steps you through some of its usage.
EliosSs commented 2 years ago

Ehhh yeah as python files are just scripts but it is not necessary to list the .py files inside the CMake file in order to recognize the ROS nodes? ahmmmm I didn't know that, thanks.

Ahmmm yeah I am trying to follow the planing_tutorial package that you sent to me. But when I run the catkin_make command I receive this error:

-- +++ processing catkin package: 'planning_tutorial'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(planning_tutorial)
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;geneus;genlisp;gennodejs;genpy
-- Could NOT find task_executor (missing: task_executor_DIR)
-- Could not find the required component 'task_executor'. The following CMake error indicates that you either need to install the package with the same name or change your environment so that it can be found.
CMake Error at /opt/ros/melodic/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:83 (find_package):
  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "task_executor"
  with any of the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "task_executor" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
  "task_executor_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If
  "task_executor" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it
  has been installed.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  planning_tutorial/CMakeLists.txt:7 (find_package)

For that is my 3rd doubt. It should not be an automatic dependency? or maybe is something related just to ROS melodic? Because there is not another package called "ros-melodic-strands-executive" or "ros-melodic-strands-task-executor".

hawesie commented 2 years ago

Those packages are not in the main ROS repo so are not automatically provided. Therefore you need to clone the strands-executive repo into your catkin ws. You used to provide pre-built packages (some info here:, but I don't think we did that for melodic.

EliosSs commented 2 years ago

oh ok ok Nick. Thanks very much for your answer. I have another question left. There is any documentation that I could learn to understand a little more about "ltl" and the conversions between "mdpDomainspec" and "mdp_tasks"?

hawesie commented 2 years ago

I'd suggest starting with one of our videos, e.g. describing the work in