I'm regularly seeing little points like this in Bob's local costmap. I've recalibrate the chest camera, but they've not gone away. Any pointers on parameters to play with or on the likely source of this problem? I'm running the default strands_bringup launch file as follows
I'm regularly seeing little points like this in Bob's local costmap. I've recalibrate the chest camera, but they've not gone away. Any pointers on parameters to play with or on the likely source of this problem? I'm running the default strands_bringup launch file as follows
roslaunch strands_bringup strands_navigation.launch map:=/opt/maps/1f_pre_deployment/cs_1f_20140724-cropped.yaml no_go_map:=/opt/maps/1f_pre_deployment/cs_1f_20140724-cropped.yaml topological_map:=1f_pre_deployment