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Build errors on Desktop #22

Closed ghost closed 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

I wasn't really sure where to put this, but as the guide is in this repo, I will just post it here.

We tried checking out the full desktop version of the strands system as described in the README, initially we got the following error:

-- ==> add_subdirectory(catkinized_navigation/nav_core)
CMake Error at /opt/strands/strands_catkin_ws/devel/share/costmap_2d/cmake/costmap_2dConfig.cmake:95 (message):
  Project 'costmap_2d' specifies '/usr/include/openni' as an include dir,
  which is not found.  It does neither exist as an absolute directory nor in
  Ask the maintainer 'contradict <>' to fix it.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /opt/ros/groovy/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:72 (find_package)
  catkinized_navigation/nav_core/CMakeLists.txt:4 (find_package)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
Invoking "cmake" failed

This was fixed with sudo apt-get install openni-dev, however the next problem was this:

-- openni_saver: 0 messages, 1 services
CMake Error at data_compression/openni_saver/CMakeLists.txt:81 (add_dependencies):
  add_dependencies called with incorrect number of arguments

finished by this:

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
Invoking "cmake" failed

Any ideas? We need this robot to run the web publisher.

hawesie commented 10 years ago

Looks like a version mismatch for row, catkin or something else to me. But that's just a guess.

The good news it that you don't need to build everything for this. Just build the package you're targeting with the --pkg argument to catkin_make, e.g. catkin_make --pkg strands_webtools. This should hopefully avoid the openni stuff. If this doesn't work, build with -j1 and post the full output as a gist.

nilsbore commented 10 years ago

So for the openni_saver, Rares' has had the same problem. Commenting line 81 in data_compression/openni_saver/CMakeLists.txt: add_dependencies(openni_image_saver ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS}) should probably do it. The strange thing is that this was added to fix an earlier build problem since openni_image_saver needed to have the server header files exported from the package. This was supposed to be the way to do this and seems to have worked in most cases.

marc-hanheide commented 10 years ago

has been fixed now