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[REQUEST NEW CONTENT] Top 5 best UI libraries to Use in your Next Project #1428

Closed Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku closed 5 days ago

Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku commented 1 month ago

Hello 👋,

We're interested in an article that explores the "modern" Top 5 best UI libraries to consider for your next project, providing developers with insights into modern tools for creating beautiful and responsive user interfaces.

Content Brief:

Community vote

👍 Upvote if you like this topic 🚀 If you can make the article/video!

Thank you.

psalmuelle commented 1 month ago

Hi @Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku, I am interested in writing an article on this topic. Here is a proposed outline:


This is a rough outline I can use. I intentionally did not add the lists to the library so that I could do my due diligence in picking the best ones. For sure, 'ant design' is going to be on the list ):

What are your thoughts on this?

AD3NIRETI commented 1 month ago

Hi @Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku I am interested in this topic and promise to give in my best. Thank you. Here is a brief outline Introduction

UI Libraries

   1. Material-UI     - Features timeless aesthetics, intuitive customization, production-ready components and better accessibility     - Has comprehensive documentation and free basic features      2. Ant Design (AntD)     - Offers 50+ pre-made components, various packages and templates     - Has documentation and community discussions    3. React Bootstrap     - Compatible with a wide range of UIs and has thousands of paid and free themes     - Lightweight and accessible   4. Chakra UI     - Offers accessibility, customization and composability     - Optimized for different color modes   5Blueprint     - Offers 25+ standard components and real-time compositing     - Has excellent documentation and active contributors Conclusively:UI libraries can enhance your project's user interface and user experience.

psalmuelle commented 1 month ago

I have done my research and came up with these 5 libraries:

Criteria for choosing the UI libraries:

Tiioluwani commented 1 month ago

@Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku I would like to take this topic Here is my outline

Top 5 best UI libraries to Use in your Next Project


victorcodess commented 1 month ago

Hi @Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku, I am very much willing to write on this topic. I have technical experience as an FE dev who has worked with these libraries. Here is my outline. Let me know what you think:

Top 5 Best UI Libraries to Use in Your Next Project


Top 5 Modern UI Libraries

Choosing the Right UI Library


UI Libraries

From my experience and research, these are what I found to be the Top 5 best UI Libraries:

  1. Material-UI
  2. Ant Design (AntD)
  3. React Bootstrap
  4. Chakra UI
  5. Mantine

To give you an idea of the quality of my work, here are a few of my samples:

Hashnode featured both of these blog posts, and they have each amassed over 800+ views/reads.

dev-makanju commented 1 month ago

Hi @Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku, i will be willing to take this up. Here is a sample of my work 1. 2.

My Outline:


i. Brief overview of the importance of UI libraries in modern web development ii. explanation of how they streamline the development process and enhance user experience

2.Top 5 UI libraries

A. Meraki UI

i.Overview: Introduction to Meraki UI and its core features ii.Built on Tailwind: Discussion on how Meraki UI leverages Tailwind CSS for design utility iii.Key Features: Responsive design, customizable components, and ease of integration iv.Use Cases: Ideal scenarios for using Meraki UI in web projects v. Community and Support: Evaluating the library's community support, documentation, and available resources vi. Performance: Assessing the performance impact of the library on your web application

B.Horizon UI

1.Overview: Introduction to Horizon UI and its unique aspects 2.Design Philosophy: Emphasis on minimalistic and modern design elements 3.Key Features: Pre-built templates, dark mode support, and component flexibility 4.Use Cases: Examples of projects that benefit from Horizon UI’s features v. Community and Support: Evaluating the library's community support, documentation, and available resources vi. Performance: Assessing the performance impact of the library on your web application


i.Overview: Introduction to Mantine and its comprehensive UI toolkit ii.Versatility: Discussion on Mantine’s wide range of components and hooks iii.Key Features: Themed components, accessibility focus, and extensive documentation iv.Use Cases: Suitable project types for leveraging Mantine v. Community and Support: Evaluating the library's community support, documentation, and available resources vi. Performance: Assessing the performance impact of the library on your web application

D.Chakra UI

i.Overview: Introduction to Chakra UI and its modular approach ii.Component-based Design: How Chakra UI promotes reusable and accessible components iii.Key Features: Theme customization, responsive utilities, and built-in accessibility iv.Use Cases: Scenarios where Chakra UI excels in UI development v. Community and Support: Evaluating the library's community support, documentation, and available resources vi. Performance: Assessing the performance impact of the library on your web application

E.Material UI

i. Overview: Introduction to Material UI and its adherence to Google’s Material Design principles ii. Design Consistency: Discussion on the consistent and intuitive design system iii. Key Features: Rich component library, theming capabilities, and extensive community support iv. Use Cases: Examples of projects that benefit from Material UI’s robust framework v. Community and Support: Evaluating the library's community support, documentation, and available resources vi. Performance: Assessing the performance impact of the library on your web application

3.Conclusion i.Final thoughts on choosing the right UI library based on project requirements Encouragement to experiment with these libraries to find the best fit for individual needs

vector-10 commented 1 month ago

Hi @Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku, I have paid attention to your request and drafted this detailed outline for the article. I am open to feedbacks after a review.

This topic will cover the following sections:

Understanding core Concepts

- Overview of Selected UI Libraries in specified format below

Modern UI Libraries Selected

Choosing the right UI Library

Conclusion Summary of the top "modern" 5 UI libraries discussed in the article.

What are the objectives of your article? The objective of this tutorial is to provide developers, UX/UI designers, anyone involved in crafting user interfaces with information on "modern" UI libraries that make setting up and building UIs faster and more efficient. At the end of the article the reader would be enlightened on more Libraries to explore for frontend development.

What is your expertise as a developer or writer? Advanced

What type of post is this? Frontend Development

Terms & Conditions I have read the Write for the Community program guidelines.

Please refer to my previous work for proof of writing expertise Containerize a full stack Application (Docker Compose) -

Understand the concept of Containerization -

Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku commented 1 month ago

Thank you all for your proposals. I apologize for my delay. It may have led to the influx of proposals.

Hello @psalmuelle, Thank you for your interest as well.

To clarify, this topic was previously assigned to another author who used AI to generate most of his content. Hence, kindly avoid this approach as we do not allow for AI generated contents.

It is important to also note that we want unique contents only.

Furthermore, you did not include how to install these libraries, sample codes demonstrating their use, and images displaying the results of code execution in your outline.

Please let me know if you will be willing to accept these guidelines. Thank you.

victorcodess commented 1 month ago

Hi @Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku, I am willing to accept these guidelines. Here is my updated outline. Let me know what you think:

Top 5 Best UI Libraries to Use in Your Next Project


Top 5 Modern UI Libraries

Choosing the Right UI Library


UI Libraries

From my experience and research, these are what I found to be the Top 5 best UI Libraries:

  1. Material-UI
  2. Ant Design (AntD)
  3. React Bootstrap
  4. Chakra UI
  5. Mantine

To give you an idea of the quality of my work, here are a few of my samples:

Hashnode featured both of these blog posts, and they have each amassed over 900+ views/reads.

Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku commented 1 month ago

Hi @victorcodess , Thanks. Please what do you mean by "If applicable, include an image showcasing the visual output of the code example"?

victorcodess commented 1 month ago

Hi @Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku,

I initially considered a case where images displaying the results of code execution might not apply. But now, I think it would be very necessary to show the code result so the reader can know what the UI components look like.

psalmuelle commented 1 month ago

Thank you @Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku , I am willing to accept and include the guidelines you have provided

syakirurahman commented 1 month ago

Hi @Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku

I am interested to take this up. Here is my outline:

Top 5 Best UI Libraries to Use in Your Next Project


What makes the best UI libraries

The criteria for best UI libraries

Top 5 UI component libraries

Each item will contains:

Choosing the right library

A brief guide how to choose UI library based on:


Additional perks

If the idea accepted and the article published at Strapi, I will re-publish it to my profile with canonical url to original post at Strapi blog. I have +3000 followers in and some of my posts was trending / being top weekly posts in the past. This post will have a chance of being one of them 😄

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Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku commented 1 month ago

Hi @syakirurahman ,

Thanks for your proposal. Great to see you have great contents on your profile. Awesome!

Please let me know if you are willing to accept the guidelines and suggestions I have made in the comments above.

Also, related to publication, how about publishing on our and medium publication/organization?

syakirurahman commented 1 month ago

Hi @Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku,

Thanks for your response.

Yes, I'm willing to accept the guidelines and suggestions you've provided. I can even provide an interactive demo (using stackblitz) for each UI library.

Regarding the publication, i have no problem to publish it on Strapi publication anywhere.

Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku commented 1 month ago

Thank you @syakirurahman ,

Please proceed!

syakirurahman commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku,

I completed my first draft here, please kindly review.

Thank you

Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @syakirurahman ,

Thank you so much for your contribution to the "Write for the Community" program! We can't wait to see more 💪.

Meanwhile, I have a 403 forbidden error when I try accessing your draft. Could you please grant me both a view and edit access. Thank you!

syakirurahman commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku,

I just granted access to your email. Please check again. By the way, i also message you in Discord.

Thank you

Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku commented 1 week ago


Thank you @syakirurahman. I will now add this to the review backlog.

Theodore-Kelechukwu-Onyejiaku commented 1 week ago

Hi @syakirurahman,

Could you please ping me on discord with your following details:

Thank you for your contribution to the Write for the community program!