strapi / strapi-docker

Install and run your first Strapi project using Docker
MIT License
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V4 images on DockerHub #321

Open mooxl opened 2 years ago

mooxl commented 2 years ago

Edit by: @derrickmehaffy

We have delayed docker image building until further notice due to higher priority tasks

Currently we are promoting/recommending the following community article: Of if you are wanting to use docker with Heroku this one: (Thank you @Eventyret)

When will the images be officially pushed to V4 on DockerHub?

kwiat1990 commented 2 years ago

I was a bit confused when I followed the Docker installation on documentation page for Strapi v4 and got v3.6.8 in the end. Docs should point out that it's not yet an v4 image, otherwise people waste their time 😉.

badan-cloud commented 2 years ago

Same issue here.

magisters-cc commented 2 years ago

Same here.

degitgitagitya commented 2 years ago

Waiting for this to migrate

oghea commented 2 years ago

same issue here

av1la commented 2 years ago

same here

benjaminpreiss commented 2 years ago

Same here

There is a workaround though to get it running relatively easy in the meanwhile. Create a local copy of the Dockerfile and entrypoint script. Then adjust this line in the Dockerfile to reference a different package: RUN yarn global add @strapi/strapi@${STRAPI_VERSION}.

Here is the updated Dockerfile

Slazerslaze commented 2 years ago

Same here

LeBenLeBen commented 2 years ago

Please use the 👍 reaction on the initial message to share your interest. Posting the same message over and over creates noise by notifying everyone following this thread for no added value.

badan-cloud commented 2 years ago

Same here

There is a workaround though to get it running relatively easy in the meanwhile. Create a local copy of the Dockerfile and entrypoint script. Then adjust this line in the Dockerfile to reference a different package: RUN yarn global add @strapi/strapi@${STRAPI_VERSION}.

Here is the updated Dockerfile

Nope. In the background it tries to install the needed version from the yarn repository, but the latest version of strapi in yarn is:

yarn info strapi
    '3.6.8': '2021-08-24T09:01:20.840Z'
kevinlaw91 commented 2 years ago

Nope. In the background it tries to install the needed version from the yarn repository, but the latest version of strapi in yarn is:

yarn info strapi
    '3.6.8': '2021-08-24T09:01:20.840Z'

They changed the npm package name from strapi to @strapi/strapi

ziudeso commented 2 years ago

Here's my 2 cents


version: "3"

    # image: strapi/strapi
      context: .
        BASE_VERSION: latest
        STRAPI_VERSION: 4.0.0
    container_name: strapi
    restart: unless-stopped
    env_file: .env
      HOST: ${HOST}
      PORT: ${PORT}
      - .:/srv/app
      - "1337:1337"


FROM strapi/base:${BASE_VERSION}

RUN yarn global add @strapi/strapi@${STRAPI_VERSION}

RUN mkdir /srv/app && chown 1000:1000 -R /srv/app

WORKDIR /srv/app

VOLUME /srv/app

COPY /usr/local/bin/
RUN chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/ 

CMD ["strapi", "develop"]

and finally the is exactly the same as in this repo.

It works on my ubuntu 18.04 machine

mklueh commented 2 years ago

Wouldn't it be better to just have a Github Action in the main repo that creates and publishes a new Docker image for every version that gets released?

An extra repo looks like manual maintenance overhead at the cost of outdated Docker images

marianhlavac commented 2 years ago

Is anyone even maintaining this?

nefarioustim commented 2 years ago

Hey all.

I'm using Strapi hosted on AWS Fargate in production at a startup I CTO for, so the lack of maintenance of this repo has been somewhat frustrating since I want to upgrade to Strapi 4. Buoyed by @benjaminpreiss's comment above, I decided to fork the repo and have a go at generating my own base images:

This may be useful to others. My changes are:

At this point, I was able to build both the Debian and Alpine base boxes locally, and the subsequent Strapi derivatives using the somewhat old school build script as referenced at the bottom of the README:

yarn install

From here I've been able to docker run a new project using MySQL. One note: I had an issue here when I initially attempted to create my project using SQLite. There's an issue with the Node SQLite driver which you'll need to update once the docker run command has created your files but fails on building the project.

Hopefully my changes help someone else who finds this issue. If the maintainers want me to open a PR, just let me know.

egahmad commented 2 years ago

I have made an updated version here egahmad/strapi-docker:latest

It's working in my end, the update was by this fork

jenkin commented 2 years ago

If you want to install the graphql plugin, you can encounter a compatibility error.

yarn run v1.22.5
$ strapi install graphql
Command failed with exit code 1: yarn add @strapi/plugin-graphql@4.0.2
error graphql-upload@13.0.0: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >= 16.0.0". Got "14.16.0"
error Found incompatible module.

You must update the Dockerfile provided by @ziudeso (see comment) to use node 14.17.0 (and not 14.16.0) as base image.


#FROM strapi/base:${BASE_VERSION}
FROM base


You can now add the NODE_VERSION in your docker compose file and build.

    context: .
      NODE_VERSION: 14.17.0
      BASE_VERSION: latest
      STRAPI_VERSION: 4.0.2
jkupcho commented 2 years ago

For those who don't want to mess around with compose handling image building, and maybe having a locally tagged docker image for use. As others have noted, there is a single change needed to be made into the strapi Dockerfile, given the npm package is scoped.


# ... stuff
# this needs to change to @strapi/strapi rather than just strapi
RUN yarn global add @strapi/strapi@${STRAPI_VERSION} 
# ... more stuff

Building / Tagging

$ cd base
$ docker build --build-arg NODE_VERSION=lts-bullseye . -t strapi/base:4.0.3
$ cd ../strapi
$ docker build --build-arg BASE_VERSION=4.0.3 --build-arg STRAPI_VERSION=4.0.3 . -t strapi/strapi:4.0.3


Once built, the entrypoint allows the run command to pass parameters at the end, so just use strapi start and you'll get a new strapi instance going without the need of overriding a whole bunch of stuff.

$ docker run -p 1337:1337 strapi/strapi:4.0.3 strapi start

Obviously, this could still be used in a docker-compose.yml, but rather than using compose to build the image, you could just reference the tag just built.

HannesOberreiter commented 2 years ago

If anyone else is currently struggling with the Docker build of V4. There is currently a strapi third lib problem, which caused in my case a heap error each time when trying to create the docker build, even though I tried to increase the memory to the moon. 🌕

Solution add to your package.json and rebuild the node_modules

"resolutions": {
    "**/colors": "1.4.0"

Cheers Hannes

PaulCorbeau commented 2 years ago

Is there any plan for that ? I would like to use this docker image with the version >4 of Strapi. Thanks

tpimh commented 2 years ago

I have found f90mora/strapi-4.0.3 image to work perfectly well for me (just needed to update to 4.0.4). Hope the official release is coming soon!

brunoprietog commented 2 years ago


Any news on this?


Vitorspk commented 2 years ago


Any news on this?

naskio commented 2 years ago

Hi Any updates ? Thanks

derrickmehaffy commented 2 years ago

See the update edit in the original post.

Going to lock this for now as we are well aware everyone wants docker images but at this time it's a low priority on our side as we never recommend using our images for production usage.