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Returning to Default Locale (EN) does not Reset the Filter #20209

Open patelfahimg opened 2 weeks ago

patelfahimg commented 2 weeks ago

Bug report

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Describe the bug

I have attached video with English audio. Its really hard to explain in writing. In short, the locale filter in the drop down continue to show the previously selected locale and not resetting to EN.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. npx create-strapi-app@latest my-project --quickstart
  2. log into Strapi V4
  3. Select Resources collection from Content Manager
  4. on the right hand side top of the resource table/ index, select a locale from the locale drop down
  5. then click Resources collection on the left nav list

Expected behavior

Locale filter should have correct locale loaded when user click on collection type again


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Additional context

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