Open aswinthomas opened 11 years ago
In "stereo_slam.cpp", line 450
Map < Matrix < double,4,4,ColMajor > > Map_gl_modelview(&gl_modelview.m[0]);
SE3 T_top_from_cur = SE3( SO3( -CV_PI/2., 0, 0 ).inverse(), Vector3d( 0, 0, 20 ) ); SE3 T_top_from_world = T_top_from_cur * T_cur_from_world;
Map_gl_modelview = Map_gl_modelview*T_top_from_world.matrix();
Thank you. Will check it out
Hi all, I am running with no CUDA support and I cannot see the trajectory generated as seen in the youtube video. I can see the registered features and new features. The values for the parameters such as match and process points seem to be very low as well.