strasdat / ScaViSLAM

This is a general and scalable framework for visual SLAM. It employs "Double Window Optimization" (DWO).
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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cannot view trajectory #35

Open aswinthomas opened 11 years ago

aswinthomas commented 11 years ago

Hi all, I am running with no CUDA support and I cannot see the trajectory generated as seen in the youtube video. I can see the registered features and new features. The values for the parameters such as match and process points seem to be very low as well.

akcite commented 11 years ago

In "stereo_slam.cpp", line 450

Map < Matrix < double,4,4,ColMajor > > Map_gl_modelview(&gl_modelview.m[0]);

SE3 T_top_from_cur = SE3( SO3( -CV_PI/2., 0, 0 ).inverse(), Vector3d( 0, 0, 20 ) ); SE3 T_top_from_world = T_top_from_cur * T_cur_from_world;

Map_gl_modelview = Map_gl_modelview*T_top_from_world.matrix();


aswinthomas commented 11 years ago

Thank you. Will check it out