strathausen / dracula

JavaScript layout and representation of connected graphs.
MIT License
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Renderer for Graphviz graphs? #23

Open LeMoussel opened 10 years ago

LeMoussel commented 10 years ago

Is it possible to display Graphviz graphs (xdot renderer) with vivagraph?

Example of Graphviz dot file

digraph G { 0 [label="A"]; 1 [label="B"]; 2 [label="C"]; 3 [label="D"]; 4 [label="E"]; 0 -> 1 [ ]; 0 -> 3 [ ]; 1 -> 2 [ ]; 1 -> 4 [ ]; 2 -> 3 [ ]; 3 -> 4 [ ]; }

mdehollander commented 10 years ago

Would this not be possible if Dracula is combined with Viz.js ( I have no idea if it is possible to convert a Viz object into a Graph object.