strathausen / dracula

JavaScript layout and representation of connected graphs.
MIT License
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TypeError: this.r.connection is not a function #33

Closed Startouf closed 8 years ago

Startouf commented 9 years ago

I can't seem to draw any edge in my javascript.

TypeError: this.r.connection is not a function
edge.connection = this.r.connection(edge.source.shape,, edge.s...
    dracula_graph.js?body=1 (ligne 306, col. 24)
TypeError: this.r.connection is not a function

On the WEB I see many people using r.connection without any problem... yet the function is not defined. I tried downloading the latest version of Raphael, but it didn't help

ruinpsilva commented 9 years ago

I have the exact same issue! Have anybody found a solution for it? Thanks

ruinpsilva commented 9 years ago

Got it! Load first raphael.js first than the others.

strathausen commented 8 years ago

I'll bundle it also.