straticjs / RFCs

Project-wide design proposals
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Logo #22

Open strugee opened 7 years ago

strugee commented 7 years ago

Maybe the JS logo's yellow background with a | character and a file? I really don't know. I also like how "Stratic" kinda sounds like "stratosphere", but...

strugee commented 6 years ago

Alrighty, I'm attaching some drafts:

stratic-logo-asteroid stratic-logo-rocket stratic-logo-rocket-earth-bottom-right

There are also variants of these three with pipes added in; these are shamelessly stolen from the WHATWG streams spec logo, cause a streams spec seemed fitting (and also the pipe was really well done):

stratic-logo-asteroid-with-pipe stratic-logo-rocket-with-pipe stratic-logo-rocket-earth-bottom-right-with-pipe


strugee commented 6 years ago

I'm definitely leaning towards the pipe variants at this point, but could be convinced otherwise. I might also mock up versions with "StraticJS" written underneath.

Riven-Spell commented 6 years ago

I prefer the pipe variants. Perhaps rather than using a mario-esque pipe, try and use something like the typical pipe character, |.

strugee commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I thought about using | in some way (see the description) but eventually rejected it because I don't think it would be clear that it was a pipe as opposed to just a random line.

strugee commented 6 years ago

A friend suggests this design:

stratic-logo-blank-file-with-pipe svg

it does seem to be cleaner which is a bonus, but I worry that it's too generic. Seems like it could be the logo for any old gulp project, or even gulp itself.

strugee commented 6 years ago

Original SVGs and related assets are here if anyone wants them: