stratis-storage / stratisd

Easy to use local storage management for Linux.
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Transcript of FS create errors (no additional debug) #1144

Closed tasleson closed 5 years ago

tasleson commented 5 years ago

Note: This was run against master with commit 0b969ba5a3fb633111e5df2dbe9fd1d42e49b765 before it was merged into master

# bin/stratis pool list
Name         Total Physical Size  Total Physical Used
raided                  2.00 GiB               52 MiB
teststack               3.00 TiB              606 MiB

# bin/stratis filesystem list
Pool Name  Name  Used      Created            Device                      
teststack  fs1   1.05 GiB  Aug 30 2018 10:54  /dev/stratis/teststack/fs1

# bin/stratis filesystem create raided fs1
Execution failure caused by:
IO ERROR: entity not found

# bin/stratis filesystem list
Pool Name  Name  Used      Created            Device                      
teststack  fs1   1.05 GiB  Aug 30 2018 10:54  /dev/stratis/teststack/fs1  

# bin/stratis filesystem create raided fsraided
Execution failure caused by:
IO ERROR: entity not found

# bin/stratis filesystem list
Pool Name  Name  Used      Created            Device                      
teststack  fs1   1.05 GiB  Aug 30 2018 10:54  /dev/stratis/teststack/fs1 

# bin/stratis pool list
Name         Total Physical Size  Total Physical Used
raided                  2.00 GiB             1.12 GiB
teststack               3.00 TiB              606 MiB

# bin/stratis filesystem create raided raided_fs
Execution failure caused by:
INTERNAL ERROR: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/sbin/mkfs.xfs" "-f" "-q" "/dev/dm-17" "-m" "uuid=f74b8a55-8adc-447f-a138-85e3850b6858", stdout:  stderr: mkfs.xfs: libxfs_device_zero write failed: No space left on device

# lsblk
NAME                                                                                            MAJ:MIN RM  SIZE RO TYPE    MOUNTPOINT
sda                                                                                               8:0    0   18G  0 disk    
├─sda1                                                                                            8:1    0    1G  0 part    /boot
├─sda2                                                                                            8:2    0  1.8G  0 part    [SWAP]
└─sda3                                                                                            8:3    0   15G  0 part    /
sdb                                                                                               8:16   0    2T  0 disk    
sdc                                                                                               8:32   0    2T  0 disk    
sdd                                                                                               8:48   0    2T  0 disk    
├─sdd1                                                                                            8:49   0    1G  0 part    
│ └─luks-test                                                                                   253:14   0 1022M  0 crypt   /mnt/lukstest
└─sdd2                                                                                            8:50   0    1G  0 part    
sde                                                                                               8:64   0   64G  0 disk    
sdf                                                                                               8:80   0   64G  0 disk    
sdg                                                                                               8:96   0   64G  0 disk    
sdh                                                                                               8:112  0   64G  0 disk    
sdi                                                                                               8:128  0   64G  0 disk    
sdj                                                                                               8:144  0   64G  0 disk    
sdk                                                                                               8:160  0    2G  0 disk    
└─sdk1                                                                                            8:161  0    2G  0 part    
  └─md0                                                                                           9:0    0    2G  0 raid1   
    └─stratis-1-private-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-physical-originsub                     253:0    0    2G  0 stratis 
      ├─stratis-1-private-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-flex-thinmeta                        253:1    0   16M  0 stratis 
      │ └─stratis-1-private-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thinpool-pool                      253:3    0    2G  0 stratis 
      │   ├─stratis-1-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thin-fs-7a07d9205922485089d19a488458d12e 253:15   0    1T  0 stratis 
      │   ├─stratis-1-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thin-fs-11c24d47ec394e5883a0afc1f61af9b3 253:16   0    1T  0 stratis 
      │   └─stratis-1-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thin-fs-f74b8a558adc447fa13885e3850b6858 253:17   0    1T  0 stratis 
      ├─stratis-1-private-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-flex-thindata                        253:2    0    2G  0 stratis 
      │ └─stratis-1-private-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thinpool-pool                      253:3    0    2G  0 stratis 
      │   ├─stratis-1-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thin-fs-7a07d9205922485089d19a488458d12e 253:15   0    1T  0 stratis 
      │   ├─stratis-1-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thin-fs-11c24d47ec394e5883a0afc1f61af9b3 253:16   0    1T  0 stratis 
      │   └─stratis-1-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thin-fs-f74b8a558adc447fa13885e3850b6858 253:17   0    1T  0 stratis 
      └─stratis-1-private-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-flex-mdv                             253:4    0   16M  0 stratis 
sdl                                                                                               8:176  0    2G  0 disk    
└─sdl1                                                                                            8:177  0    2G  0 part    
  └─md0                                                                                           9:0    0    2G  0 raid1   
    └─stratis-1-private-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-physical-originsub                     253:0    0    2G  0 stratis 
      ├─stratis-1-private-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-flex-thinmeta                        253:1    0   16M  0 stratis 
      │ └─stratis-1-private-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thinpool-pool                      253:3    0    2G  0 stratis 
      │   ├─stratis-1-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thin-fs-7a07d9205922485089d19a488458d12e 253:15   0    1T  0 stratis 
      │   ├─stratis-1-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thin-fs-11c24d47ec394e5883a0afc1f61af9b3 253:16   0    1T  0 stratis 
      │   └─stratis-1-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thin-fs-f74b8a558adc447fa13885e3850b6858 253:17   0    1T  0 stratis 
      ├─stratis-1-private-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-flex-thindata                        253:2    0    2G  0 stratis 
      │ └─stratis-1-private-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thinpool-pool                      253:3    0    2G  0 stratis 
      │   ├─stratis-1-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thin-fs-7a07d9205922485089d19a488458d12e 253:15   0    1T  0 stratis 
      │   ├─stratis-1-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thin-fs-11c24d47ec394e5883a0afc1f61af9b3 253:16   0    1T  0 stratis 
      │   └─stratis-1-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-thin-fs-f74b8a558adc447fa13885e3850b6858 253:17   0    1T  0 stratis 
      └─stratis-1-private-6586bf2de9e4434cb922e854d9368cf7-flex-mdv                             253:4    0   16M  0 stratis 
sr0                                                                                              11:0    1 1024M  0 rom     
nvme0n1                                                                                         259:0    0    1T  0 disk    
└─cryptpool1                                                                                    253:7    0 1024G  0 crypt   
  └─stratis-1-private-43957d9811384168ad682e2b0bf6cf0d-physical-originsub                       253:8    0  1.6G  0 stratis 
    ├─stratis-1-private-43957d9811384168ad682e2b0bf6cf0d-flex-thinmeta                          253:9    0   16M  0 stratis 
    │ └─stratis-1-private-43957d9811384168ad682e2b0bf6cf0d-thinpool-pool                        253:11   0  1.6G  0 stratis 
    │   └─stratis-1-43957d9811384168ad682e2b0bf6cf0d-thin-fs-774d6b04f8834662848fa9291bb3143d   253:13   0    1T  0 stratis 
    ├─stratis-1-private-43957d9811384168ad682e2b0bf6cf0d-flex-thindata                          253:10   0  1.6G  0 stratis 
    │ └─stratis-1-private-43957d9811384168ad682e2b0bf6cf0d-thinpool-pool                        253:11   0  1.6G  0 stratis 
    │   └─stratis-1-43957d9811384168ad682e2b0bf6cf0d-thin-fs-774d6b04f8834662848fa9291bb3143d   253:13   0    1T  0 stratis 
    └─stratis-1-private-43957d9811384168ad682e2b0bf6cf0d-flex-mdv                               253:12   0   16M  0 stratis 
nvme0n2                                                                                         259:1    0    1T  0 disk    
└─cryptpool2                                                                                    253:5    0 1024G  0 crypt   
nvme0n3                                                                                         259:2    0    1T  0 disk    

It appears that the each of the FS creates actually worked in some capacity as the tables are shown in lsblk, but fail to show in filesystem listing. After all of this I restarted the daemon, but when it came up it failed to list any filesystems and I ended up shutting down the daemon and using dmsetup to clean up the dm tables and using wipefs to clean up the Stratis signatures on /dev/md0. No messages in journal.

agrover commented 5 years ago

@tasleson is this still an issue?

tasleson commented 5 years ago

I haven't been able to reproduce and we have a separate issue for the out of space when running mkfs.