stratisproject / StratisBitcoinFullNode

Bitcoin full node in C#
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Go through all BTC CVE #1822

Open noescape00 opened 5 years ago

bokobza commented 5 years ago

This task can be divided into 2 parts:

  1. Create a list of known bitcoin vulnerabilities
  2. check whether the source code has protection mechanism against each and every one of those vulnerabilities

Also, for each vulnerability, add comments supporting your findings.

Aprogiena commented 5 years ago


bokobza commented 5 years ago

CVE-2012-4684 We don't have alerts anymore so that's easy ✔️

DanGould commented 5 years ago

@Aprogiena Where is that list coming from? wiki's list seems comprehensive

Aprogiena commented 5 years ago

DanGould commented 5 years ago

Progress thus far noted: Should be through most of the bitcoin list by the weekend. Still must check in on the Etherium CVEs. I will update this comment with the status of the CVEs

CVE Affects Flaw Comments
Pre-BIP protocol changes all clients various softforks & hardforks We validate the Protocol?
CVE 2010 5137 wxBitcoin & bitcoind OP_LSHIFT crash Disabled in ScriptEvaluationContext.cs:696
CVE-2010-5141 wxBitcoin & bitcoind OP_RETURN can steal funds We independently EvalScript scriptSig using shared stack so SBFN is good
CVE-2010-5138 unlimited SigOp Dos Check SigOpsRuleTest.cs
CVE-2010-5139 Combined output overflow Check for negative or overflow output values in Transaction.cs
CVE-2010-5140 wxBitcoin & bitcoind never confirming txs No micropayment fee TransactionBuilderContext.MinConfirmations defaults to 1
CVE-2011-4447 wxBitcoin & bitcoind Wallet non-encryption We use actually use json formatted wallet .dat. This doesn't run into the non-ACID problems of BerkelyDB does it?
CVE-2012-1909 Bitcoin protocol and all clients Transaction overwriting DeploymentFlags.EnforceBip30 Checks block height & hash for 2 bitcoin blockchain exceptions
CVE-2012-1910 bitcoinqt & bitcoind for windows Fail to use MinGW multithread safe exception handling SBFN doesn't use MinGW
BIP-0016 All bitcoin clients Mandatory P2SH Thanks NBitcoin and a mature existing blockchain
CVE-2012-2459 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt block hash collisions via merkle root BlockMerkleRootRule.cs
CVE-2012-3789 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt Lack of orphan Txn resource limits ❗ 1: LimitOrphanTxSize (possible vuln) size of an individual OrphanTx / pool of Orphans is unlimited even though // DoS prevention: do not allow mapOrphanTransactions to grow unbounded in MempoolOrphans.cs V2: OrphanTxs stored in dictionary and searched by hash so this should be good (no worry of O(n) step search)
CVE-2012-4682 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt DoS Little detail on actual vulnerability revealed
CVE-2012-4683 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt targeted dos by CPU exhaustion using alerts SBFN does not use alerts
CVE-2012-4684 bitcoind & bitcoin-QT Network wide DOS using malleable sigs in alerts SBFN does not use alerts
CVE-2013-2272 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt remote discovery of a node's wallet addresses ❗ Our Mempool doesn't give penny-flood rate limit exception to one's node's addresses so we should be good with this CVE but may be vulnerable to a penny-flood (low fee spam)
CVE-2013-2273 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt predictable change outputs TransactionBuilder.cs:106 should add correct randomness (no off by 1)
CVE-2013-2292 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt transaction takes 3 minutes for client to verify ❗ Optimized in Core by Core pull#7907
CVE-2013-2293 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt Continuous disk seek/read ❗ do we implement checks on whether spent prevouts are checked It looks like we don't when reading disk in DbreezeCoinView.cs
CVE-2013-3219 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt 8.0 Unenforced block protocol rule We don't use BDB and so lack an implicit lock limit rule--explained in BIP-50
CVE-2013-3220 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt inconsistent BDB lock limit interactions BIP50 supported
BIP-0034 all bitcoin clients Sofftfork: height in coinbase covered
BIP-0050 all bitcoin clients Hard fork to remove txid limit protocol covered
CVE-2013-4627 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt Memory Exhaustion with excess Tx message data Txs Serialized properly in AddOrphanTx via nMaxOrphanTx
CVE-2013-4165 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt timing leak in rpc authentication ❗ str.Equals (RPCAuthorization.cs:36) vulnerable to timing attack. This appears to secure the vuln
CVE-2013-5700 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt 0.8.0 remote p2p crash via bloom filters NBitcoin.BloomFilter doesn't have a div by 0 test
2014 bitcoin unhandled point at infinity pubkey recovery
CVE-2014-0160 Anything using OpenSSL for TLS HeartBleed - Remote memory leak via payment protocol This issue is resolved in OpenSSL after 2014
CVE-2015-3641 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt before 0.10.2 Yet unspecified DOS ❔ Unspecified
BIP-0066 All bitcoin clients Softfork: Strict DER Signatures Enforced in DeploymentFlags.cs
BIP-0065 All bitcoin clients Softfork: OP_CHECKTIMELOCKVERIFY Enforced in DeploymentFlags.cs
BIPs 68, 112 & 113 All bitcoin clients Softforks: Rel locktime, CSV & MTP Locktime Enforced in DeploymentFlags.cs
BIPs 141, 143 & 147 All bitcoin clients Softfork: Segwit Implemented in NBitcoin etc.
CVE-2017-9230 Bitcoin ASIC Boost ❗ 0% Coverage among modern clients (still no solution) - not relevant to PoS
BIP 148 All bitcoin clients Softfork: Segwit UASF Wedunnit
CVE-2017-12842(June 9 2018) ? Spoof transactions to spv nodes (Does this affect our lite node?) We don't support an SPV wallet :)
CVE-2016-10724 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt prior to 0.13.0 Alert memory exhaustion SBFN does not use alerts
CVE-2016-10725 bitcoind & bitcoin-Qt prior to 0.13.0 Final Alert cancelation SBFN does not use alerts
2016 Etherium Uncle mining, an etherium consensus protocol flaw Our "uncles" (orphans) don't secure the protocol
2016 bitcoin A bitcoin transaction that takes 5 hours to verify ❗ Optimized in Core by pull#7907
2014 BitcoinJ BouncyCastle ECDSA BJB-22 vulnerability (unhandled point at infinity recovery) ❔ This was patched in BC. a BigInteger BouncyCastle vuln was also patched in NBitcoin by BU researchers this summer :) we should still check it because our BouncyCastle is manually ported from Java rather than relying on a lib
bokobza commented 5 years ago


The wallet encrypts the private key of the HD wallet using Key.GetEncryptedBitcoinSecret(password, network) in NBitcoin who in turn uses SCrypt.BitcoinComputeDerivedKey which is an implementation of BIP38.

dangershony commented 5 years ago

Great work @DanGould we will verify all the findings when the node is stable.

DanGould commented 5 years ago

After speaking with Ethan, I found out that the Core devs' policy is now to not disclose CVEs because they don't want to be responsible for alts' follies. Notice reporting drops significantly after 2015.

He mentioned their new practice to find some small bug which, when fixed, patches a vulnerability without ever disclosing that vulnerability. He mentioned a few in particular with no documentation and that core devs involved with MIT DCI speak openly about this practice as evidence. This practice is reflected in the little information on many bugs provided on the wiki


The most historically vulnerable attack surfaces are the Mempool and Transaction verification. I advise we compare present /bitcoin/bitcoin's implementations of these functions with SBFN's and closely match their logic to avoid exposure.

Fishbiscuit commented 5 years ago

May I ask if there is a list of Bitcoin versions that resolve these CVEs?

DanGould commented 5 years ago

May I ask if there is a list of Bitcoin versions that resolve these CVEs? Click the "net" link on the right side of the row corresponding to the CVE. Shows the list of versions vulnerable at the bottom. Generally, if you search the CVE on GitHub you find the issue which addressed the vulnerability

EthanHeilman commented 4 years ago

Disclaimer: I in no way speak for the core devs

I just want to poke my head in to say that I am not aware of any official policy of the core devs to not disclose vulnerabilities. However there was a period in which a number of vulnerabilities were patched but not disclosed. This was likely because of a concern of them being exploited against unpatched nodes in the wild. This has not been the case for a while and last few vulnerabilities have been disclosed and assigned CVE numbers for instance CVE-2018-17144.

The closest thing to a policy is the Security_md in the bitcoin git repo and it does not take any stance on disclosure.