stratisproject / StratisCore

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Trying to restore my old stratis wallet with STRATIS CORE 2.2.1 #464

Closed wcanarro closed 3 years ago

wcanarro commented 3 years ago

HI, I created my wallet back in 2017 when I bought some strats. I would like to restore my old wallet using the latest vesion of the stratis core (2.2.1). I opened the core I clicked restore I put the info of my old wallet and all went well...but the list of addresses is completely wrong and I dont find the address with all the coins I have.

Best, Danilo

wcanarro commented 3 years ago

Update: I have installed electrum-stratis 2.7.17 (luckly I still have the exe) and all my adresses and coin are there..what should I do now in order to swap the tokens? Should I send the coins to a new wallet of stratis core .2.2.1 e after swap the coins?

Best, Danilo

dev0tion commented 3 years ago

Hi Danilo,

Yes but electrum will no longer sync, please check this article written by a community member to see how you can send out your coins:

wcanarro commented 3 years ago

so basically i have to send the ELECTRUM WALLET to QT wallet and from QT to Core. right?

wcanarro commented 3 years ago

Statis QT started to sync but it will take days is there a faster way to get the data? Thank you.

dev0tion commented 3 years ago

Hi, unfortunately we do not provide any bootstraps for Qt.

dev0tion commented 3 years ago

Hi @wcanarro were you able to get your funds into Core?

wcanarro commented 3 years ago

Hi the situation is...the QT IS still syncing but I see all my coins, I tried to send 10 strats to core even if the QT wallet is not synced but the transaction is waiting for some confirmation.

dev0tion commented 3 years ago

Yes you need to be synced. All good now?

wcanarro commented 3 years ago

HI, 40 weeks to go

wcanarro commented 3 years ago

Finally I have my QT synced and the first small transaction fom QT-> Core executed and confirmed...but Stratis Core 2.2.1 doent show the received fund because has 0 connections even if I changed the stratis.conf putting the same ip addresses used by QT

dev0tion commented 3 years ago

You need a different set of IPs for Stratis Core. Click "node list" next to StratisNode:3.0.8 (70012) here:!network

dev0tion commented 3 years ago

We will be releasing a data directory for Core shortly, if you download that you will be synced instantly. Will keep you posted.

wcanarro commented 3 years ago syncing

wcanarro commented 3 years ago

I am looking forward to the data

dev0tion commented 3 years ago

Hi, we have the data directory available here:

You can close Core, then paste it contents into %appdata%/StratisNode/Stratis/StratisMain and start Core again. That should get you close to completely synced instantly.

wcanarro commented 3 years ago

quick update: I downloaded the zip, unzipped, and copied and pasted all content with no exception into the folder %appdata%/StratisNode/Stratis/StratisMain overwriting whatever was there. Launching the app, it keeps loading saying "Connected to the api. waiting for node to initialize". see you tomorrow hoping to resolve the problem and finally swap the token.

best, Danilo

maartenn commented 3 years ago

I had the same situation and did the same, I also had the feeling it was crashed but this wasn't the case. It just took a few minutes before I could open my new wallet on stratis core. After that I think stratis core redownloaded the whole chain (despite the datadir)... Fortunately this went down pretty fast ~ 8 min.

This was my startup log for core the first time ( after I had previously created a wallet AND added the files from @dev0tion .

[2020-11-10 21:19:54.6457 1] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.FullNode.Initialize 

     .d8888b. 88888888888 8888888b.         d8888 88888888888 8888888  .d8888b. 
    d88P  Y88b    888     888   Y88b       d88888     888       888   d88P  Y88b
    Y88b.         888     888    888      d88P888     888       888   Y88b.     
     "Y888b.      888     888   d88P     d88P 888     888       888    "Y888b.  
        "Y88b.    888     8888888P"     d88P  888     888       888       "Y88b.
          "888    888     888 T88b     d88P   888     888       888         "888
    Y88b  d88P    888     888  T88b   d8888888888     888       888   Y88b  d88P
     "Y8888P"     888     888   T88b d88P     888     888     8888888  "Y8888P" 


[2020-11-10 21:19:54.7121 1] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.FullNode.Initialize Full node initialized on StratisMain.
[2020-11-10 21:19:54.7270 1] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.FullNode.Start Starting node.
[2020-11-10 21:19:55.0714 1] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Api.ApiFeature.InitializeAsync API starting on URL 'http://localhost:37221/'.
[2020-11-10 21:19:56.6606 1] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Base.BaseFeature+<StartChainAsync>d__30.MoveNext Loading finalized block height.
[2020-11-10 21:19:56.6960 8] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Base.BaseFeature+<StartChainAsync>d__30.MoveNext Loading chain.
[2020-11-10 21:19:56.7062 10] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Base.BaseFeature+<StartChainAsync>d__30.MoveNext Chain loaded at height 0.
[2020-11-10 21:19:56.7216 8] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Utilities.AsyncLoop+<>c__DisplayClass20_0+<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext FlushChain starting in 60 seconds.
[2020-11-10 21:19:56.9129 8] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Utilities.AsyncLoop+<>c__DisplayClass20_0+<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext Periodic peer flush starting in 300 seconds.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.1813 1] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.MemoryPool.MempoolManager+<LoadPoolAsync>d__25.MoveNext Loading Memory Pool.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.1958 5] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Utilities.AsyncLoop+<>c__DisplayClass20_0+<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext MemoryPool.RelayWorker starting in 10 seconds.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.1958 1] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Wallet.WalletManager.Start Wallet Manager starting...
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.2076 1] INFO: Stratis.Features.SQLiteWalletRepository.SQLiteWalletRepository.Initialize Initializing wallets at location 'C:\Users\Maarten\AppData\Roaming\StratisNode\stratis\StratisMain\wallets', 'DatabasePerWallet'=False.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.3949 1] INFO: Stratis.Features.SQLiteWalletRepository.SQLiteWalletRepository.Initialize Found 0 HD Wallets.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.4137 1] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Wallet.WalletSyncManager.Start WalletSyncManager synchronising with mempool.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.4218 1] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Wallet.WalletSyncManager.Start WalletSyncManager starting synchronisation loop.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.4218 5] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Utilities.AsyncLoop+<>c__DisplayClass20_0+<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext WalletSyncManager.OrchestrateWalletSync starting in 1 seconds.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.7264 1] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.Wallet.AddressBookManager.Initialize A new address book was created.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.7264 1] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Features.RPC.RPCFeature.InitializeAsync RPC Server is off based on configuration.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.8850 10] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Utilities.AsyncLoop+<>c__DisplayClass20_0+<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext Broadcast StakingBroadcaster starting.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.8850 9] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Utilities.AsyncLoop+<>c__DisplayClass20_0+<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext Broadcast WalletInfoBroadcaster starting.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.9092 10] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Utilities.AsyncLoop+<>c__DisplayClass20_0+<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext DiscoverPeersAsync starting.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.9092 7] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Utilities.AsyncLoop+<>c__DisplayClass20_0+<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext DiscoverFromDnsSeedsAsync starting.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.9092 9] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Utilities.AsyncLoop+<>c__DisplayClass20_0+<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext PeerConnectorAddNode.ConnectAsync starting.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.9092 9] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Utilities.AsyncLoop+<>c__DisplayClass20_0+<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext PeerConnectorDiscovery.ConnectAsync starting.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.9391 1] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Connection.ConnectionManager.StartNodeServer Node listening on:

[2020-11-10 21:19:57.9391 6] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Utilities.AsyncLoop+<>c__DisplayClass20_0+<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext PeriodicBenchmarkLog starting in 17 seconds.
[2020-11-10 21:19:57.9391 9] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Utilities.AsyncLoop+<>c__DisplayClass20_0+<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext PeriodicLog starting in 5 seconds.
[2020-11-10 21:19:58.4399 11] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Utilities.AsyncLoop+<>c__DisplayClass20_0+<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext WalletSyncManager.OrchestrateWalletSync starting.
[2020-11-10 21:20:01.0388 7] WARN: Stratis.Bitcoin.P2P.PeerDiscovery.AddDNSSeedNodes Error getting seed node addresses from
[2020-11-10 21:20:02.9587 11] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.Utilities.AsyncLoop+<>c__DisplayClass20_0+<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext PeriodicLog starting.
[2020-11-10 21:20:02.9828 11] INFO: Stratis.Bitcoin.FullNode.<StartPeriodicLog>b__77_0 ======Node stats====== 11/10/2020 21:20:02
Headers.Height:          0        Headers.Hash:         0000066e91e46e5a264d42c89e1204963b2ee6be230b443e9159020539d972af
Consensus.Height:        0        Consensus.Hash:       0000066e91e46e5a264d42c89e1204963b2ee6be230b443e9159020539d972af
BlockStore.Height:       0        BlockStore.Hash:      0000066e91e46e5a264d42c89e1204963b2ee6be230b443e9159020539d972af
Wallet.Height:           No Wallet

After this I followed the guide; send tokens from QT to core, quit QT, open CORE and enter token swap. So for me this was succesfull :) . I hope you can get it to work too 👍 .

wcanarro commented 3 years ago

YEEESSSSSSS....token swap process completed..thank you so much to everyone

dev0tion commented 3 years ago

@maartenn that synchronizing you were seeing was not the chain being downlaoded, rather your wallet rescanning. Glad that it worked for the both of you guys.