stratosphereips / StratosphereLinuxIPS

Slips, a free software behavioral Python intrusion prevention system (IDS/IPS) that uses machine learning to detect malicious behaviors in the network traffic. Stratosphere Laboratory, AIC, FEL, CVUT in Prague.
714 stars 176 forks source link and sometimes declare that they're done and slips still doesn't shutdown gracefully #1021

Closed AlyaGomaa closed 1 month ago

AlyaGomaa commented 1 month ago

This happens randomly when analyzing large pcaps/zeek logs we get the following lines in slips.log

2024/10/04 05:21:11.245963 [Input] Telling Profiler to stop because no more input is arriving.
2024/10/04 05:21:11.338757 [Input] Waiting for Profiler to stop.
2024/10/04 07:06:11.049396 [Profiler] Stopping. Total lines read: 12034
2024/10/04 07:06:11.049670 [Profiler] Marking Profiler as done processing.
2024/10/04 07:06:11.049798 [Profiler] Profiler is done processing.
2024/10/04 07:06:11.138681 [Profiler] Profiler is done telling that it's done processing.
2024/10/04 07:06:11.138801 [Input] Input is done processing.

which hints that input and profiler stopped, a signal should be given to to call shutdown_gracefully() but for some reason, this doesn't happen!

AlyaGomaa commented 1 month ago

done here #1022