stratosphereips / StratosphereLinuxIPS

Slips, a free software behavioral Python intrusion prevention system (IDS/IPS) that uses machine learning to detect malicious behaviors in the network traffic. Stratosphere Laboratory, AIC, FEL, CVUT in Prague.
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Add support for a light slips docker image, with no ML modules, no dataset/ dir, no p2p, web or kalipso. #1051

Closed AlyaGomaa closed 1 week ago

AlyaGomaa commented 3 weeks ago
Setup Size
Slips repo (without submodules) 388 MB
Docker (without NPM, P2P, Vim, Golang, iptables) 3.59GB
Docker (without NPM, P2P, Vim, Golang, iptables, and dataset dir) 3.58GB

Removing the following


rnn_cc_detection/ timeline/ kalipso/ p2ptrust/ flowmldetection/ cyst/ cesnet/ exporting_alerts/ riskiq/ template/ blocking/ virustotal/

egrep -v "tensorflow|Keras|scipy|pytest|flask|tqdm|coverage|pre-commit|ruff|black|scikit-learn|slackclient|matplotlib|stix2|cabby|pandas|numpy" install/requirements.txt | xargs -n 1 pip install

1.61GB docker image