stratosphereips / StratosphereLinuxIPS

Slips, a free software behavioral Python intrusion prevention system (IDS/IPS) that uses machine learning to detect malicious behaviors in the network traffic. Stratosphere Laboratory, AIC, FEL, CVUT in Prague.
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Detect DNS answers that were manipulated for privacy #323

Closed AlyaGomaa closed 1 year ago

AlyaGomaa commented 1 year ago

Created by Sebastian Garcia via integration. 🎉

eldraco commented 1 year ago

In develop  Slips. Version 1.0.3 (ceddfcda) 

It seems that some DNS servers (maybe privacy-preserving DNS server) or maybe some adblockers like pihole?, change the IP address in some DNS queries to or maybe  First we need to detect these as non-malicious evidence Second we need to AVOID generating the alert "DNS resolution without connection" in these cases, since there will never be a connection.  Example flows  output/aa/zeek_files/dns.log:{"ts":1576516553.774394,"uid":"CNU66O1GgSALsLLMva","id.orig_h":"","id.orig_p":42497,"id.resp_h":"","id.resp_p":53,"proto":"udp","trans_id":35437,"rtt":0.00043201446533203125,"query":"","qclass":1,"qclass_name":"C_INTERNET","qtype":1,"qtype_name":"A","rcode":0,"rcode_name":"NOERROR","AA":true,"TC":false,"RD":true,"RA":true,"Z":0,"answers":[""],"TTLs":[2.0],"rejected":false}

ganesh-dagadi commented 1 year ago

Greetings! I would like to work on this issue. After reading about the architecture and going through some code, this is what I understood

  1. Slips uses zeek or other formats to capture the packets.
  2. This data is then converted to a common format and detection is performed using a module.

Here for this issue, Threat Intelligence Module is applied as it deals with Domainsthat include DNS requests, DNS replies, HTTP hostnames, and TLS SNI. IPs include source and destination IPs, both IPv4 and IPv6.

After reading through the Matching of Domains section of Threat Intelligence module, I find that the blacklisted domains are downloaded from sources in the config/TI_feeds.csv. As this file contains sources for blacklisted domains and not the actual domains, there is no way to change anything here so as to prevent and from being identified as malicious.

Also i looked at /modules/threat_intelligence/ and found the function spamhaus could have some relevance but could not get any conclusive inference.

Can you please guide me from here so that I can work on this issue. Thanks!

AlyaGomaa commented 1 year ago

hello @ganesh-dagadi you are right, we can't do anything if any of our TI feeds have a FP. and I don't think spamhaus has anything to do with this my approach would be to add a function in the threat_intelligence module, to check for each DNS answer for the IP if found as a resolution to any domain that isn't 'localhost', we can set evidence with threrat_level = 'info'

eldraco commented 1 year ago

What about adding and to the whitelist file @AlyaGomaa ? That should prevent it from being used in alerts. I don't like the idea of hardcoding IPs in the code so much.

AlyaGomaa commented 1 year ago

you said "we need to detect these as non-malicious evidence" if we whitelist them we won't be able to detect them so we either whitelist or detect them, what do you think?

eldraco commented 1 year ago

Ok, like this:

which would be a good place for this? Do we need a third option in the whitelist file to ignore not only alerts and traffic but also TI feeds?

AlyaGomaa commented 1 year ago

ahh got it, i like the whitelisting of IPs/domains from TI feeds once an IP is whitelisted from all TI feeds we whitelist all evidence to/from it right?

eldraco commented 1 year ago

if the ip is removed from the TI feed by the 'new' whitelisting of TIs, then we dont have the TI problem. But we still need to deal with how to report them if we see them in the traffic. Hardcode them??? a new list???

AlyaGomaa commented 1 year ago

i'd always choose hardcoding until i'm sure that we have enough IPs to move them to a new list

ganesh-dagadi commented 1 year ago

what is FP?

AlyaGomaa commented 1 year ago

False positive, which means alerts/IPs that shouldn't be there but are there by mistake

ganesh-dagadi commented 1 year ago

ok. got it

eldraco commented 1 year ago

In case you need it @ganesh-dagadi Ufffffffffff ok, we can hardcode, but with a deadline to review it, with good documentation about it, and asking forgiveness from the god of programming, that is, of course, Ada Lovelace.

ganesh-dagadi commented 1 year ago

thx @eldraco. Here is the approach:

In the is_malicious_ip function, if the ip is a False Positive (which will be checked against hardcoded ip list using a new function within the same file), we will set evidence as non malicious. Is this ok? I have a question : How do I set the evidence as non malicious? The function set_evidence_malicious_ip (used after detection of malicious IP in is_malicious_ip) appears to be used to create evidence of an actual blacklisted IP. Is it ok to use the same function as we are just reporting FP and not reporting an actual blacklisted IP?

ganesh-dagadi commented 1 year ago

@AlyaGomaa @eldraco can i follow this approach? Also please answer my question regarding setting evidence so that i can begin working on this asap. 😀

eldraco commented 1 year ago

Hi. Re reading the original problem, this description of the solution is not good for this. Evidently I explain myself wrong in the first description.

The threat intelligence modules has nothing to do with this. There is no TI, and nothing with the feeds.

Tell us @ganesh-dagadi if it is more clear now. Sorry for me answering about TI before, i got confused.

ganesh-dagadi commented 1 year ago

Yes. Thank you for the explanation. I will begin working on this now.

ganesh-dagadi commented 1 year ago

Pull request has been submitted #349