Closed TomSpencerLondon closed 9 months ago
aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --default-only --engine postgres shows:
{ "DBEngineVersions": [ { "Engine": "postgres", "EngineVersion": "15.4", "DBParameterGroupFamily": "postgres15", "DBEngineDescription": "PostgreSQL", "DBEngineVersionDescription": "PostgreSQL 15.4-R3", "ValidUpgradeTarget": [ { "Engine": "postgres", "EngineVersion": "15.5", "Description": "PostgreSQL 15.5-R1", "AutoUpgrade": false, "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false }, { "Engine": "postgres", "EngineVersion": "16.1", "Description": "PostgreSQL 16.1-R1", "AutoUpgrade": false, "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true } ], "ExportableLogTypes": [ "postgresql", "upgrade" ], "SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs": true, "SupportsReadReplica": true, "SupportedFeatureNames": [ "Lambda", "s3Export", "s3Import" ], "Status": "available", "SupportsParallelQuery": false, "SupportsGlobalDatabases": false, "MajorEngineVersion": "15", "SupportsBabelfish": false, "SupportsCertificateRotationWithoutRestart": true, "SupportedCACertificateIdentifiers": [ "rds-ca-2019", "rds-ca-ecc384-g1", "rds-ca-rsa4096-g1", "rds-ca-rsa2048-g1" ] } ] }
So should work if we update to 15.4. Will try on my version of stratospheric.
Actually, I think this is the issue:
To have t2.micro now you need to have Postgres version below 13. So may have to use t3.micro with postgres version 15.
Strange this one worked:
public static class DatabaseInputParameters {
private int storageInGb = 20;
private String instanceClass = "db.t2.micro";
private String postgresVersion = "12";
Closing this since the issue has been resolved.
Get this error when deploying stratospheric (using CDK)