[ ] Create a Glue Session Data js class that has an API end point to retrieve the session data.
[ ] Update session data in window variable
[ ] Update session data in view rendering function to be able to add the updated glue data to the window.
An example would be if the session data has change due to glue update or new things being glued to be able to pull the new session data into the scope of the Java Script Application
Session hashkey or something to identify if the session has changed and automatically update (THIS MIGHT BE IMPLEMENTED)
[ ] Create a Glue Session Data js class that has an API end point to retrieve the session data.
[ ] Update session data in window variable
[ ] Update session data in view rendering function to be able to add the updated glue data to the window.
An example would be if the session data has change due to glue update or new things being glued to be able to pull the new session data into the scope of the Java Script Application
Session hashkey or something to identify if the session has changed and automatically update (THIS MIGHT BE IMPLEMENTED)