strawberry-graphql / strawberry-django

Strawberry GraphQL Django extension
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Self is coroutine - there is no data being awaited. #496

Closed rafaelhbarros closed 6 months ago

rafaelhbarros commented 6 months ago

A mutation was written in django with a payload that returns multiple values, defined as:

class RecordingInput:
    record_id: strawberry.ID = strawberry.field()

class RecordingInfoPayload:
    _streaming_url: strawberry.Private[Optional[WebUrl]] = None
    _expiration_time: strawberry.Private[Optional[str]] = None
    _is_expired: strawberry.Private[bool] = False
    _is_error: strawberry.Private[bool] = False
    _record: strawberry.Private[models.Record]

    def recording_streaming_url(self) -> Optional[WebUrl]:
        return self._streaming_url

    def expiration_date(self) -> Optional[str]:
        if self._expiration_time is not None:
            return get_date_timezone_aware(
        return None

    def is_expired(self) -> bool:
        return self._is_expired

    def is_error(self) -> bool:
        return self._is_error

    def end_time(self) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
        start_time = self._record.actual_start_time
        duration = self._record.duration
        if duration and start_time:
            return start_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=duration)
        return None

async def create_recording_streaming_info(
    input: RecordingInput, info: Info
) -> Optional[RecordingInfoPayload]:
    record = await models.Record.objects.filter(uuid=input.record_id).afirst()

    # some logic

    return RecordingInfoPayload(
        _record =record

from asgiref.sync import sync_to_async

create_recording_streaming_info_mutation = strawberry.field(

And I get this error:

  "data": {
    "createRecordingStreamingInfo": null
  "errors": [
      "message": "'coroutine' object has no attribute '_is_error'",
      "locations": [
          "line": 6,
          "column": 5
      "path": [

If I write: (await self)._is_error and (await self)._is_expired for instance, it says coroutine is already being awaited.

Why is self a coroutine?

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bellini666 commented 6 months ago

self inside resolvers can sometimes not be what you are expecting:

That being said, I'm not actually seeing anything wrong with your example. It seems that something failed to await the result of create_recording_streaming_info and passed the coroutine itself as the root to the resolver below it.

Could you try to provide a MRE of the issue?

rafaelhbarros commented 6 months ago

I'll produce a reproducible example today. The documentation is peculiar too.

Okay, I wrote an example but it works in this version. I have no idea why. I'll keep seeing if there is something I am missing on one of these.

rafaelhbarros commented 6 months ago

@bellini666 I found the issue, it's an extension we have for auth. I'll close this ticket.

bellini666 commented 6 months ago

@rafaelhbarros awesome! :)

Feel free to open more issues in case you find anything else.


The documentation is peculiar too.

Let us know how we can improve the docs. Also feel free to open any PRs for docs improvements if you want/can. That's something I really need to do in this lib...