strawberry-graphql / strawberry-django

Strawberry GraphQL Django extension
MIT License
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docs: Remove officially unmaintained project #557

Closed Eraldo closed 2 weeks ago

Eraldo commented 2 weeks ago


Removing a community package that is officially not supported anymore and itself refers to the another mentioned (and listed in the docs) package that includes JWT token management.

My personal suggestion would be to remove the stale package to prevent confusing and keep things clean and up to date.

Types of Changes

Summary by Sourcery

This pull request updates the community projects documentation by removing the reference to the unmaintained 'strawberry-django-jwt' project to prevent confusion and keep the documentation up to date.

sourcery-ai[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Reviewer's Guide by Sourcery

This pull request removes a community package from the documentation that is no longer officially supported. The package in question is 'strawberry-django-jwt', which is a JWT implementation with Strawberry and Django. The removal aims to prevent confusion and keep the documentation clean and up to date.

File-Level Changes

Files Changes
docs/ Removed the 'strawberry-django-jwt' project from the community projects documentation.

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