strawberry-graphql / strawberry-django

Strawberry GraphQL Django extension
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Setting value to False on instances of models.FileField causes "False" to be saved to the database instead of None when creating new records. #599

Closed m4riok closed 4 months ago

m4riok commented 4 months ago

Hi @bellini666,

I came across a bit of a bug with creating new records of a model with a FileField. It seems to instert False into the FileField db record instead of NULL when creating a new record.

I tracked down the bug to the following code ...

In mutations/ on line 250 you have the following code:

if field is None or value is UNSET:
    # Dont use these, fallback to model defaults.
     direct_field_value = False
elif isinstance(field, models.FileField):
     if value is None:
         # We want to reset the file field value when None was passed in the
         # input, but `FileField.save_form_data` ignores None values. In that
         # case we manually pass False which clears the file.
          value = False  # noqa: PLW2901

Django in db/models/fields/ in the definition of the FileField class has the following:

def save_form_data(self, instance, data):
    # Important: None means "no change", other false value means "clear"
    # This subtle distinction (rather than a more explicit marker) is
    # needed because we need to consume values that are also sane for a
    # regular (non Model-) Form to find in its cleaned_data dictionary.
    if data is not None:
        # This value will be converted to str and stored in the
        # database, so leaving False as-is is not acceptable.
        setattr(instance,, data or "")

This works as intended when updating an instance, but when creating, it creates records like so:

MariaDB [beast]> select * from core_company;
| id | name          | email | address | city | postcode | logo                                                             | phone |
|  2 | company 1     | NULL  | NULL    | NULL | NULL     | uploaded/company_logos/cc625d08-864d-42ea-9edd-0fe6afb473ae.webp | NULL  |
|  3 | Company 2     | NULL  | NULL    | NULL | NULL     | uploaded/company_logos/3aa6b13c-a335-4052-8c4a-98e8d662b73c.webp | NULL  |
|  4 | Karamitsos AE | NULL  | NULL    | NULL | NULL     |                                                                  | NULL  |
| 48 | skata         | NULL  | NULL    | NULL | NULL     | False                                                            | NULL  |
| 49 | Skata1        | NULL  | NULL    | NULL | NULL     | False                                                            | NULL  |
| 68 | fefe          | NULL  | NULL    | NULL | NULL     | uploaded/company_logos/66f6c3ba-de8c-49f7-ba80-520c7868731b.webp | NULL  |

Saving the False value assigned to the logo field to the newly inserted record.

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bellini666 commented 4 months ago

Thank you for the detailed description. I think I found the issue :)

Let me know if the next release solves if for you

m4riok commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the quick fix. It works fine now.