strawberry-graphql / strawberry-django

Strawberry GraphQL Django extension
MIT License
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Enable atomic nested mutations #628

Open keithhackbarth opened 2 weeks ago

keithhackbarth commented 2 weeks ago

Strawberry supports serialization for nested mutations but Strawberry-Django doesn't seem to be able do it in an atomic way

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In the below example, I expect these things to happen in an atomic way so that if a credit card charge fails we do have to go back out previous transactions.

I've seen similar offers from other libraries such as Prisma.

mutation (
  $createInvoice: CreateInvoiceInput!
  $chargeCreditCard: ChargeCreditCardInput!
  atomic: true
) {
  createInvoice: invoice {
    createInvoice(input: $createInvoice) {

  chargeCreditCard: invoice {
    chargeCreditCard(input: $chargeCreditCard) {

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bellini666 commented 4 days ago

That should be the behavior.

GraphQL states that queries should be resolved in parallel while mutations should happen sequentially, meaning that if one fails, the remaining ones will not be executed.

Having said that, a fail means a GraphQL fail, which could not be the case when using "nice" error returns, such as those:

Is that not what you are seeing? If so, could you provide an example? Asking because that would probably be an issue at level.

keithhackbarth commented 3 days ago

Thanks, @bellini666. My question is whether we should have a better mechanism to roll back previous actions if one fails. Should we be treating these mutations as an atomic transaction?

Right now, during checkout, we execute four or five different mutations (invoicing, payment, shipping, etc.). If one, like shipping, fails, we end up in an incomplete state. This might be acceptable for now, but I’m curious how other GraphQL libraries handle this. The detailed implementation of atomicity is more framework-specific (e.g., Django), so I wonder if it is less something that would be in the core but more framework-specific as well? Or if everyone is creating very specific custom mutations (ie checkout)?

Happy to close as "won't do" was just more curious about what the Django approach is?

bellini666 commented 3 days ago

@keithhackbarth hrm I see what you mean...

From the top of my head, I would say that this could be achieved by using extensions, more specifically the on_execute lifecycle hook.

It can check if the operation is a mutation, and if it is, it starts a migration in it.

Not sure if we could do anything on the django integration side to facilitate that. We should try to check how other frameworks do that (if they do) to get some ideas :)