strawberry-graphql / strawberry

A GraphQL library for Python that leverages type annotations 🍓
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Joining forces on GraphQL code generation #2400

Open jhnnsrs opened 1 year ago

jhnnsrs commented 1 year ago

Feature Request Type


I am the author and maintainer of the "turms" library, which enables similarly to strawberry codegen the generation of graphql types for schema and documents.

I just discovered that strawberry wants to support this feature, and was wondering if it made sense to "join forces" on this topic.

Turms is quite stable at this point and has support for interfaces (as well typecasting to the correct subfragments), is able to generate python functions with typehints, and has extensive configuration options for mixins (traits), additional bases, additional scalars, and is extensible through plugins.

I am currently thinking about generating a strawberry schema plugin, but wanted to get some feedback first :)

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patrick91 commented 1 year ago

Hi @jhnnsrs do you want to chat about this on discord (maybe we can do a call?), I think there are things we can do together!

jhnnsrs commented 1 year ago

A little dicussion later we have this little protoype plugin for turms that can convert this sdl schema

type Beast {
  "ID of beast (taken from binomial initial)"
  id: ID
  "number of legs beast has"
  legs: Int
  "a beast's name in Latin"
  binomial: String
  "a beast's name to you and I"
  commonName: String
  "taxonomy grouping"
  taxClass: String
  "a beast's prey"
  eats: [Beast]
  "a beast's predators"
  isEatenBy: [Beast]

type Query {
  get all the beasts on the server
  beasts: [Beast]
  beast(id: ID!): Beast!
  calledBy(commonName: String!): [Beast]!

type Mutation {
  create a massive beast on the server
    id: ID!
    legs: Int!
    binomial: String!
    commonName: String!
    taxClass: String!
    eats: [ID]
  ): Beast!

type Subscription {
  watchBeast(id: ID!): Beast

into a beautiful strawberry schema

import strawberry
from strawberry import ID
from typing import Optional, List, AsyncGenerator
from enum import Enum

class Beast:
    id: Optional[ID] = strawberry.field(
        description="ID of beast (taken from binomial initial)"
    legs: Optional[int] = strawberry.field(description="number of legs beast has")
    binomial: Optional[str] = strawberry.field(description="a beast's name in Latin")
    common_name: Optional[str] = strawberry.field(
        description="a beast's name to you and I"
    tax_class: Optional[str] = strawberry.field(description="taxonomy grouping")
    eats: Optional[List[Optional["Beast"]]] = strawberry.field(
        description="a beast's prey"
    is_eaten_by: Optional[List[Optional["Beast"]]] = strawberry.field(
        description="a beast's predators"

class Query:
    @strawberry.field(description="get all the beasts on the server")
    def beasts(self) -> Optional[List[Optional[Beast]]]:
        """get all the beasts on the server"""
        return None

    def beast(self, id: ID) -> Beast:
        return None

    def called_by(self, common_name: str) -> List[Optional[Beast]]:
        return None

class Mutation:
    @strawberry.mutation(description="create a massive beast on the server")
    def create_beast(
        id: ID,
        legs: int,
        binomial: str,
        common_name: str,
        tax_class: str,
        eats: Optional[List[Optional[ID]]],
    ) -> Beast:
        """create a massive beast on the server"""
        return None

class Subscription:
    async def watch_beast(self, id: ID) -> AsyncGenerator[Optional[Beast], None]:
        return None

Once tests are setup and passing i will push the changes to turms !