strawlab / flydra

live, low-latency markerless multi-camera 3D animal tracking system
Apache License 2.0
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flydra-sphinx-docs does not build on recent sphinx version 1.0.5 #2

Closed AndreaCensi closed 13 years ago

AndreaCensi commented 13 years ago

This error mistifies me:

 File "/data/work/scm/snp_env/src/flydra/flydra-sphinx-docs/ext/", line 137, in   get_directive
    raise RuntimeError("No directive named '%s' found" % name)
 RuntimeError: No directive named 'function' found

complete log from sphinx:

# Sphinx version: 1.0.5
# Python version: 2.6.1
# Docutils version: 0.7 release
# Jinja2 version: 2.5.5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/sphinx/", line 172, in main
    warningiserror, tags)
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/sphinx/", line 116, in __init__
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/sphinx/", line 259, in setup_extension
  File "/data/work/scm/snp_env/src/flydra/flydra-sphinx-docs/ext/", line 120, in setup
    app.add_directive('np-' + name, wrap_mangling_directive(name, objtype))
  File "/data/work/scm/snp_env/src/flydra/flydra-sphinx-docs/ext/", line 140, in wrap_mangling_directive
    base_directive = get_directive(base_directive_name)
  File "/data/work/scm/snp_env/src/flydra/flydra-sphinx-docs/ext/", line 137, in get_directive
    raise RuntimeError("No directive named '%s' found" % name)
RuntimeError: No directive named 'function' found
slivingston commented 13 years ago

The error goes away if you comment out class, function, attribute, method, staticmethod, classmethod of name_type dictionary (i.e. lines 111-116 of ext/

I won't commit this change until I understand why this matters... but I've found no obvious errors in the generated docs.

AndreaCensi commented 13 years ago

Scott, you should be either doing homework or planning your stay in France for next term, certainly not looking up obscure bugs on github!

If you are this bored, I'll send you something to read...

astraw commented 13 years ago

Fixed in f8ed5ab6e55345527918bb215f80e63765c0e22c.