strayMat / how_to_select_causal_models

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Answer to reviewers, notes #1

Open strayMat opened 4 weeks ago

strayMat commented 4 weeks ago

Reviewer 1

Reviewer 2

strayMat commented 2 weeks ago

Detailed reflexion for main remark

Causal effect ratio

I quantified the range of causal effect sizes that we explored with our simulations. To estimate this concept of effect size, I define the standardized absolute ratio between the two potential outcomes : $\Delta{\mu} = \frac{1}{N} \sum{i=1}^N \big | \frac{\mu_{1}(xi) - \mu{0}(xi)}{\mu{0}(x_i)} \big|$

The distribution of $\Delta_{\mu}$ for the 900 experiences that we are testing is : count mean std min 1% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 99% max
900 11.7481 205.704 0.145377 0.148319 0.164582 0.176319 0.354042 2.54353 5.36483 15.4412 4367.04

Which is quite reasonable but not ideal since we do not explore three order of magnitude of effect and concentrate a lot of simulations (around 70% below 1. To convince that the R risk dominates (or not) depending on this parameter I should rerun an experiment which register this parameter plot the results along the different quantiles of $\Delta_{\mu}$.

strayMat commented 1 week ago

Gaël pointed me to Alicia's paper (Crabbé et al., 2022) to have some inspiration on how to measure this causal ratio. However, in their paper they don't use a measure of the causal ratio, they use only a parameter of the causal ratio in the simulation. This parameter $\omega{pred}$ is supposed to balance the strength of the prognostic effects (independent of the treatment) and the predictive effects (linked to the treatment). I am not fully convinced by this approach since by rewritting their simulation we can recover a part where $\omega{pred}$ appears but which is unrelated to the treatment effect : $Y = \mu{prog} + \omega{pred} \mu{pred0} + A \omega{pred} [\mu{pred1} - \mu{pred0}]$

I find it more convincing to follow the same idea that we had for overlap : Find an observable measure which correlates well with the parameter of the relative strength of the effect with respect to the baseline $\mu_0(x)$

strayMat commented 1 week ago

But is not possible to make the link between a simulation and the saved results ....

For example, the following config gives the distribution of causal effect:

dataset_grid = {
        "dataset_name": ["caussim"],
        "overlap": generator.uniform(0, 2.5, size=25),
        "random_state": list(range(1, 4)),
        "treatment_ratio": [0.25, 0.5, 0.75],
        "effect_size": [0.1, 0.5, 0.9],
count mean std min 1% 10% 25% 50% 60% 65% 70% 75% 90% 99% max
675 26.5555 70.9585 0.0647341 0.067484 0.0809728 0.633559 2.16149 5.94084 6.54794 12.1919 13.0729 76.89 348.838 600.292